AWS Quantum Technologies Blog

Tag: quantum research

AWS open-sources OQpy to make it easier to write quantum programs in OpenQASM 3

In September 2021, we announced that AWS would be joining the OpenQASM 3 Technical Steering Committee in an effort to establish a consistent, industry-wide approach for describing quantum programs. In that blog post we also shared our plans to help extend the OpenQASM ecosystem to work with hardware being developed at the AWS Center for Quantum Computing. […]

Announcing a research alliance between AWS and Harvard University

Quantum science is progressing rapidly: in recent decades it has emerged from textbooks to enable tools we use in everyday life, such as lasers and GPS. Amazon, which is already involved in quantum computing, recently announced the creation of the AWS Center for Quantum Networking. That effort will focus on a more overlooked facet of […]

Announcing the AWS Center for Quantum Networking

Over the last decade, governments and technology companies have invested heavily in research and development of quantum computers that have the potential to revolutionize science and technology. While there is still a long way ahead, these investments have already transformed quantum computers: They have evolved from delicate laboratory systems accessible to only a few research […]

Explore quantum computational advantage with Xanadu’s Borealis device on Amazon Braket

Today, we are excited to launch Borealis, a new quantum processing unit (QPU) on Amazon Braket. Borealis – a special-purpose QPU built by Xanadu – is the first publicly available quantum computer with a claim to quantum computational advantage (sometimes referred to as quantum supremacy or quantum advantage) in a peer-reviewed study. With this launch, […]

Quantum computing research in Poland with Amazon Braket

With a host of vibrant research centers, scientists and engineers in Poland have made valuable contributions to quantum information science over the past 40 years. Today, as a large number of quantum hardware technologies are becoming available for experimentation, Polish researchers are turning to Amazon Braket – the AWS quantum computing service to test new […]