AWS Quantum Technologies Blog

Tag: science

Introducing the Amazon Braket Algorithm Library

Research scientists and quantum algorithm developers are often new to cloud computing. Their main focus during quantum algorithm development should center on writing algorithm code; however, they often spend time setting up and maintaining interactive development environments, estimating costs to run their code on classical or quantum hardware, and stitching together common subroutines. Today, we […]

Optimization with a Rydberg atom-based quantum processor

Amazon Braket recently launched the Aquila quantum processing unit (QPU) based on Rydberg atoms by QuEra Computing. In a previous post, we explored how researchers can use Rydberg devices to study problems and quantum phenomena in fundamental physics, for instance the emergence of a spin liquid phase [Semeghini et al., 2021]. But QuEra’s device also […]

New research from Harvard and AWS will enable higher temperature operation of quantum communications networks

Following the announcement of a research alliance between the AWS Center for Quantum Networking and Harvard University, a joint team of Harvard and AWS scientists published a research paper today in Science Magazine discussing production of quantum memories that can operate at higher temperatures – enabling reduced cost and increased reliability for this fundamental component […]

An Illustrated Introduction to Quantum Networks and Quantum Repeaters

Quantum networks are an emerging technology that distribute entangled quantum bits to geographically separated users. These networks can enable new communication tasks such as the generation of shared cryptographic keys whose security does not depend on algorithmic complexity. This security can supplement and extend the current state-of-the-art in public key cryptography and future-proof it against […]

AWS open-sources OQpy to make it easier to write quantum programs in OpenQASM 3

In September 2021, we announced that AWS would be joining the OpenQASM 3 Technical Steering Committee in an effort to establish a consistent, industry-wide approach for describing quantum programs. In that blog post we also shared our plans to help extend the OpenQASM ecosystem to work with hardware being developed at the AWS Center for Quantum Computing. […]

Amazon Braket launches Braket Pulse to develop quantum programs at the pulse level

When experimenting on a quantum computer, customers often need to program at the lower-level language of the device. Today, we are launching Braket Pulse, a feature that provides pulse-level access to quantum processing units (QPUs) from two hardware providers on Amazon Braket, Rigetti Computing and Oxford Quantum Circuits (OQC). In this blog, we present an […]

The AWS Center for Quantum Computing is located on the Caltech campus in Pasadena, CA

Announcing the opening of the AWS Center for Quantum Computing

What if by harnessing the properties of quantum mechanics we could model and simulate the behavior of matter at its most fundamental level, down to how molecules interact? The machine that would make that possible would be transformative, changing what we know about science and how we probe nature for answers. Quantum computers have the […]

Architecture diagram for the Quantum Software Research Hub, integrated with Amazon Braket

AWS supporting the Quantum Software Research Hub led by Osaka University in Japan

Since Amazon Braket, the AWS quantum computing service, was launched, customers have said they want to learn the basics of the technology, explore quantum computing, and discuss use cases with experts in their local communities. In Japan, AWS is working with Osaka University through the Quantum Software Research Hub to educate enterprise, startup, and academic […]

Cat codes on Bloch sphere

Designing a fault-tolerant quantum computer based on Schrödinger-cat qubits

At the AWS Center for Quantum Computing, we are doing scientific research and development on quantum computing algorithms and hardware. This post summarizes findings from our first architecture paper that describes a theoretical blueprint for a fault-tolerant quantum computer that features a novel approach to quantum error correction (QEC). Fair warning, this post dives somewhat […]

Supporting quantum computing research at Israeli universities

While quantum computing continues to advance through scientific discovery and engineering innovation, the field still faces formidable challenges. Collaboration between industry and academia for quantum computing research is important. Expertise from multiple domains is needed to solve specific problems facing technology firms, and the collaboration fosters a richer environment for education. In this post, I […]