AWS Security Blog

Accelerate incident response with Amazon Security Lake – Part 2

This blog post is the second of a two-part series where we show you how to respond to a specific incident by using Amazon Security Lake as the primary data source to accelerate incident response workflow. The workflow is described in the Unintended Data Access in Amazon S3 incident response playbook, published in the AWS incident response playbooks repository.

The first post in this series outlined prerequisite information and provided steps for setting up Security Lake. The post also highlighted how Security Lake can add value to your incident response capabilities and how that aligns with the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) SP 800-61 Computer Security Incident Handling Guide. We demonstrated how you can set up Security Lake and related services in alignment with the AWS Security Reference Architecture (AWS SRA).

The following diagram shows the service architecture that we configured in the previous post. The highlighted services (Amazon Macie, Amazon GuardDuty, AWS CloudTrail, AWS Security Hub, Amazon Security Lake, Amazon Athena, and AWS Organizations) are relevant to the example referenced in this post, which focuses upon the phases of incident response outlined in NIST SP 800-61.

Figure 1: Example architecture configured in the previous blog post

Figure 1: Example architecture configured in the previous blog post

The first phase of the NIST SP 800-61 framework is preparation, which was covered in part 1 of this two-part blog series. The following sections cover phase 2 (detection and analysis) and phase 3 (containment, eradication, and recovery) of the NIST framework, and demonstrate how Security Lake accelerates your incident response workflow by providing a central datastore of security logs and findings in a standardized format.

Consider a scenario where your security team has received an Amazon GuardDuty alert through Amazon EventBridge for anomalous user behavior. As a result, the team becomes aware of potential unintended data access. GuardDuty noted unusual IAM user activity for the AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) user Service_Backup and generated a finding. The security team had set up a rule in EventBridge that sends an alert email notifying them of GuardDuty findings relating to IAM user activity. At this point, the security team is unsure if any malicious activity has occurred, however, the username is not familiar. The security team should investigate further to determine whether the finding is a false positive by querying data in Security Lake. In line with the NIST incident response framework, the team moves to phase 2 of this investigation.

Phase 2: Acquire, preserve, and document evidence

The security team wants to investigate which API calls the unfamiliar user has been making. First, the team checks AWS CloudTrail management activity for the user, and they can do that by using Security Lake. They want a list of that user’s activity, which will help them in several ways:

  1. Give them a list of API calls that warrant further investigation (especially Create*)
  2. Give an indication whether the activity is unusual or not (in the context of “typical” user activity within the account, team, user group, or individual user)
  3. Give an indication of when potentially malicious activity might have started (user history)

The team can use Amazon Athena to query CloudTrail management events that were captured by Security Lake. In some cases, compromised user accounts might have existed for a long time previously as legitimate users and made tens of thousands of API calls. In such a case, how would a security team identify the calls that might need further investigation? A quick way to get a summary list of API calls the user has made would be to run a query like the following:

SELECT DISTINCT api.operation FROM amazon_security_lake_table_us_west_2_cloud_trail_mgmt_2_0
WHERE lower( = 'service_backup'

From the results, the team can determine information and queries of interest to focus on for further investigation. To begin with, the security team uses the preceding query to enumerate the number and type of API calls made by the user, as shown in Figure 2.

Figure 2: Example API call summary made by an IAM user

Figure 2: Example API call summary made by an IAM user

The initial query results in Figure 2 show API calls that could indicate privilege elevation (creating users, attaching user policies, and similar calls are a good indicator). There are other API calls that indicate that additional resources may have been created, such as Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) buckets and Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) instances.

Note that in this early phase, the team didn’t time-bound the query. However, if there is a high degree of confidence that the team can focus on a specific time or date range, the query can be further modified. How would the team decide on a time period to focus on? When the team received the alert email from EventBridge, that email included information about the GuardDuty finding, including the time it was observed. The team can use that time as an anchor to search around.

The team now wants to look at the user’s activity in a bit more detail. To do that, they can use a query that returns more detail for each of the API calls the user has made:

SELECT time_dt AS "Time Date", AS "Log Source", cloud.region, actor.user.type,, actor.user.account.uid AS "User AWS Acc ID", api.operation AS "API Operation", status AS "API Response", AS "Service", AS "Request Data"
FROM amazon_security_lake_table_us_west_2_cloud_trail_mgmt_2_0
WHERE lower( = 'service_backup';
Figure 3: Example CloudTrail activity for an IAM user

Figure 3: Example CloudTrail activity for an IAM user

Figure 3 shows the result of the example query. The team observes that the user created an S3 bucket and performed other management plane actions, including creating IAM users and attaching the administrator access policy to a newly created user. Attempts were made to create other resources such as Amazon EC2 instances, but these were not successful. So the team needs to do further investigation on the newly created IAM users and S3 buckets, but they don’t need to take further action on EC2 instances, at least for this user.

The team starts to focus on investigating the IAM permissions of the Service_Backup user because some resources created by this user could lead to privilege elevation (for example: CreateUser >> AttachPolicy >> CreateAccessKey). The team verifies that the policy attached to that new user was AdminAccess. The activities of this newly created user should be investigated. Now, with a broad idea of that user’s activity and the time the activity occurred, the security team wants to focus on IAM activity, so that they can understand what resources have been created. Those resources will likely also need to be investigated.

The team can use the following query to find more detail about the resources that the user has created, modified, or deleted. In this case, the user has also created additional IAM users and roles. The team uses timestamps to limit query results to a specific time range during which they believe the suspicious activity occurred, and can also focus on IAM activity specifically.

SELECT time_dt AS "Time", cloud.region AS "Region", actor.session.issuer AS "Role Issuer", AS "User Name", api.operation AS "API Call", json_extract(, '$.userName') AS "Target Principal", json_extract(, '$.policyArn') AS "Target Policy", json_extract(, '$.roleName') AS "Target Role", actor.user.uid AS "User ID", AS "Target Principal", status AS "Response Status", accountid AS "AWS Account"
FROM amazon_security_lake_table_us_west_2_cloud_trail_mgmt_2_0
WHERE (lower(api.operation) LIKE 'create%' OR lower(api.operation) LIKE 'attach%' OR lower(api.operation) LIKE 'delete%')
AND lower( = ''
AND lower( = 'service_backup'
AND time_dt BETWEEN TIMESTAMP '2024-03-01 00:00:00.000' AND TIMESTAMP  '2024-05-31 23:59:00.000';
Figure 4: CloudTrail IAM activity for a specific user with additional resource detail

Figure 4: CloudTrail IAM activity for a specific user with additional resource detail

This additional detail helps the security team focus on the resources created by the Service_Backup user. These will need to be investigated further and most likely quarantined. If further analysis is required, resources can be disabled, or (in some instances) copied over to a forensic account to conduct the analysis.

Having identified newly created IAM resources that require further investigation, the team now continues by focusing on the resources created in S3. Has the Service_Backup user put objects into that bucket? Have they interacted with objects in any other buckets? To do that, the team queries the S3 data events by using Athena, as follows:

SELECT time_dt AS "Time Date", cloud.region AS "Region", actor.user.type, AS "User Name", api.operation AS "API Call", status AS "Status", AS "Request Data", accountid AS "AWS Account ID"
FROM amazon_security_lake_table_us_west_2_s3_data_2_0
WHERE lower( = 'service_backup';

The security team discovers that the Service_Backup user created an S3 bucket named breach.notify and uploaded a file named data-locked-xxx.txt in the bucket (the bucket name is also returned in the query results shown in Figure 3). Additionally, they see GetObject API calls for potentially sensitive data, followed by DeleteObject API calls for the same data and additional potentially sensitive data files. These are a group of CSV files, for example cc-data-2.csv, as shown in Figure 5.

Figure 5: Example Amazon S3 API activity for an IAM user

Figure 5: Example Amazon S3 API activity for an IAM user

Now the security team has two important goals:

  1. Protect and recover their data and resources
  2. Make sure that any applications that are reliant on those resources or data are available and serving customers

The security team knows that their S3 buckets do contain sensitive data, and they need a quick way to understand which files may be of value to a threat actor. Because the security team was able to quickly investigate their S3 data logs and determine that files have indeed been downloaded and deleted, they already have actionable information. To enrich that with additional context, the team needs a way to verify whether the file contains sensitive data. Amazon Macie can be configured to detect sensitive data in S3 buckets and natively integrate with Security Hub. The team had already configured Macie to scan their buckets and provide alerts if potentially sensitive data is discovered. The team can continue to use Athena to query Security Hub data stored in Security Lake, to see if the Macie results could be related to those files or buckets. The team looks for such findings that were generated around the time that the breach.notify S3 bucket was created, with the unusually named object uploaded, through the following Athena query:

SELECT time_dt AS "Date/Time", AS "Log Source", cloud.account.uid AS "AWS Account ID", cloud.region AS "AWS Region", resources[1].type AS "Resource Type", resources[1].uid AS "Bucket ARN", resources[2].type AS "Resource Type 2", resources[2].uid AS "Object Name", finding_info.desc AS "Finding summary" FROM amazon_security_lake_table_us_west_2_sh_findings_2_0
WHERE cloud.account.uid = '<YOUR_AWS_ACCOUNT_ID>'
AND lower( = 'macie'
AND time_dt BETWEEN TIMESTAMP '2024-03-10 00:00:00.000' AND TIMESTAMP  '2024-03-14 23:59:00.000';
Figure 6: Example Amazon Macie finding summary for data in S3 buckets

Figure 6: Example Amazon Macie finding summary for data in S3 buckets

As Figure 6 shows, the team used the preceding query to pull just the information they needed to help them understand whether there is likely sensitive information in the bucket, which files contain that information, and what kind of information it is. From these results, it appears that the files listed do contain sensitive information, which appears to be credit card related data.

It’s time to stop and briefly review what the team now knows, and what still needs to be done. The team established that the Service_Backup user created additional IAM users and assigned wide-ranging permissions to those users. They also found that the Service_Backup user downloaded what appears to be confidential data, and then deleted those files from the customer’s buckets. Meanwhile, the Service_Backup user created a new S3 bucket and stored ransom files in it. In addition to this, that user also created IAM roles and attempted to create EC2 instances. In our example scenario, the first part of the investigation is complete.

There are a few things to note about what the team has done so far with Security Lake. First, because they’ve set up Security Lake across their entire organization, the team can query results from accounts in their organization, for various types of resources. That in itself saves a significant amount of time during the investigative process. Additionally, the team has seamlessly queried different sets of data to get an outcome—so far they have queried CloudTrail management events, S3 data events, and Macie findings through Security Hub—with the preceding queries done through Security Lake, directly from the Athena console, with no account or role switching, and no tool switching.

Next, we’ll move on to the containment step.

Phase 3: Containment, eradication, and recovery

Having gathered sufficient evidence in the previous phases to act, it’s now time for the team to contain this incident and focus on the AWS API by using either the AWS Management Console, the AWS CLI, or other tools. For the purposes of this blog post, we’ll use the CLI tools.

The team needs to perform several actions to contain the incident. They want to reduce the risk of further data exposure and the creation, modification, or deletion of resources in these AWS accounts. First, they will disable the Service_Backup user’s access and subsequently investigate and assess whether to disable the access of the IAM principal which created that user. Additionally, because Service_Backup created other IAM users, those users must also be investigated using the same process outlined earlier.

Next, the security team needs to determine whether or how they can restore the sensitive data that has been deleted from the bucket. If the bucket has versioning enabled, the act of deleting the object will result in the next most recent version becoming the current version. Alternatively, if they are using AWS Backup to protect their Amazon S3 data, they will be able to restore the most recently backed-up version. It’s worth noting that there could be other ways to restore that data—for example, the organization might have configured cross-Region replication for S3 buckets or other methods to protect their data.

After completing the steps to help prevent further access of the impacted IAM users, and restoring relevant data in impacted S3 buckets, the team now turns their attention to the additional resources created by the now-disabled user. Because these resources include IAM resources, the team needs a list of what has been created and deleted. They could see that information from earlier queries, but now decide to focus just on IAM resources by using the following example query;

SELECT time_dt AS "Time", cloud.region AS "Region", actor.session.issuer AS "Role Issuer", AS "User Name", api.operation AS "API Call", json_extract(, '$.userName') AS "Target Principal", json_extract(, '$.policyArn') AS "Target Policy", json_extract(, '$.roleName') AS "Target Role", actor.user.uid AS "User ID", AS "Target Principal", status AS "Response Status", accountid AS "AWS Account"
FROM amazon_security_lake_table_us_west_2_cloud_trail_mgmt_2_0
WHERE (lower(api.operation) LIKE 'create%' OR lower(api.operation) LIKE 'attach%' OR lower(api.operation) LIKE 'delete%')
AND lower( = ''
AND time_dt BETWEEN TIMESTAMP '2024-03-01 00:00:00.000' AND TIMESTAMP  '2024-05-31 23:59:00.000';

This query returns a concise and informative list of activities for several users. There is a separate column for the role name or the user ID, corresponding to IAM roles and users, respectively, as shown in Figure 7.

Figure 7: IAM mutating API activity

Figure 7: IAM mutating API activity

The team uses the AWS CLI to revoke IAM role session credentials, to verify and, if necessary, to modify the role’s trust policy. They also capture an image of the EC2 instance for forensic analysis and terminate the instance. They will copy the data they want to save from the questionable S3 buckets and then delete the buckets, or at least remove the bucket policy.

After completing these tasks, the security team now confirms with the application owners that application recovery is complete or ongoing. They will subsequently review the event and undertake phase 4 of the NIST framework (post-incident activity) to find the root cause, look for opportunities for improvement, and work on remediating any configuration or design flaws that led to the initial breach.


This is the second post in a two-part series about accelerating security incident response with Security Lake. We used anomalous IAM user activity as an incident example to show how you can use Security Lake as a central repository for your security logs and findings, to accelerate the incident response process.

With Security Lake, your security team is empowered to use analytics tools like Amazon Athena to run queries against a central point of security logs and findings from various security data sources, including management logs and S3 data logs from AWS CloudTrail, Amazon Macie findings, Amazon GuardDuty findings, and more.

If you have feedback about this post, submit comments in the Comments section below. If you have questions about this post, contact AWS Support.

Frank Phillis

Frank Phillis
Frank is a Senior Solutions Architect (Security) at AWS. He enables customers to get their security architecture right. Frank specializes in cryptography, identity, and incident response. He’s the creator of the popular AWS Incident Response playbooks and regularly speaks at security events. When not thinking about tech, Frank can be found with his family, riding bikes, or making music.
You can follow Frank on LinkedIn.

Jerry Chen

Jerry Chen
Jerry is a Senior Cloud Optimization Success Solutions Architect at AWS. He focuses on cloud security and operational architecture design for AWS customers and partners.
You can follow Jerry on LinkedIn.