AWS Security Blog

Category: AWS Lambda

Resources deployed in the customer environment by the solution

Governing and securing AWS PrivateLink service access at scale in multi-account environments

Amazon Web Services (AWS) customers have been adopting the approach of using AWS PrivateLink to have secure communication to AWS services, their own internal services, and third-party services in the AWS Cloud. As these environments scale, the number of PrivateLink connections outbound to external services and inbound to internal services increase and are spread out […]

smart home

Using Amazon Verified Permissions to manage authorization for AWS IoT smart home applications

This blog post introduces how manufacturers and smart appliance consumers can use Amazon Verified Permissions to centrally manage permissions and fine-grained authorizations. Developers can offer more intuitive, user-friendly experiences by designing interfaces that align with user personas and multi-tenancy authorization strategies, which can lead to higher user satisfaction and adoption. Traditionally, implementing authorization logic using […]

Accelerate security automation using Amazon CodeWhisperer

In an ever-changing security landscape, teams must be able to quickly remediate security risks. Many organizations look for ways to automate the remediation of security findings that are currently handled manually. Amazon CodeWhisperer is an artificial intelligence (AI) coding companion that generates real-time, single-line or full-function code suggestions in your integrated development environment (IDE) to […]

How to encrypt sensitive caller voice input in Amazon Lex

In the telecommunications industry, sensitive authentication and user data are typically received through mobile voice and keypads, and companies are responsible for protecting the data obtained through these channels. The increasing use of voice-driven interactive voice response (IVR) has resulted in a need to provide solutions that can protect user data that is gathered from […]

Implement OAuth 2.0 device grant flow by using Amazon Cognito and AWS Lambda

In this blog post, you’ll learn how to implement the OAuth 2.0 device authorization grant flow for Amazon Cognito by using AWS Lambda and Amazon DynamoDB. When you implement the OAuth 2.0 authorization framework (RFC 6749) for internet-connected devices with limited input capabilities or that lack a user-friendly browser—such as wearables, smart assistants, video-streaming devices, […]

Creating a notification workflow from sensitive data discover with Amazon Macie, Amazon EventBridge, AWS Lambda, and Slack

Following the example of the EU in implementing the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), many countries are implementing similar data protection laws. In response, many companies are forming teams that are responsible for data protection. Considering the volume of information that companies maintain, it’s essential that these teams are alerted when sensitive data is at […]

Review last accessed information to identify unused EC2, IAM, and Lambda permissions and tighten access for your IAM roles

September 28, 2023: IAM is incrementally adding support for actions from more services. For a list of services that report action last accessed information, see IAM action last accessed information services and actions. AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) helps customers analyze access and achieve least privilege. When you are working on new permissions for […]

Best practices and advanced patterns for Lambda code signing

November 9, 2023: We updated this blog post to correct a typo in the policy. Amazon Web Services (AWS) recently released Code Signing for AWS Lambda. By using this feature, you can help enforce the integrity of your code artifacts and make sure that only trusted developers can deploy code to your AWS Lambda functions. […]

How to deploy public ACM certificates across multiple AWS accounts and Regions using AWS CloudFormation StackSets

December, 6, 2022: The post had been updated to reflect the updates on Lambda function runtime in the cloudformation template from version 3.6 to 3.9, as 3.6 is deprecated, as well as updates in Lambda deployment package filename in the same template. In this post, I take you through the steps to deploy a public […]

Automatically update security groups for Amazon CloudFront IP ranges using AWS Lambda

June 21, 2023: This blog post is out of date. You should now use the new managed prefix list for CloudFront in your Security Group instead of this custom Lambda solution. Please refer to this blog post for detailed info. Amazon CloudFront is a content delivery network that can help you increase the performance of […]