AWS Security Blog

Category: AWS Private Certificate Authority

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How to issue use-case bound certificates with AWS Private CA

In this post, we’ll show how you can use AWS Private Certificate Authority (AWS Private CA) to issue a wide range of X.509 certificates that are tailored for specific use cases. These use-case bound certificates have their intended purpose defined within the certificate components, such as the Key Usage and Extended Key usage extensions. We […]

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Migrate your Windows PKI from Microsoft Active Directory Certificate Services to AWS Private CA Connector for Active Directory

When you migrate your Windows environment to Amazon Web Services (AWS), you might need to address certificate management for computers and users in your Active Directory domain. Today, Windows administrators commonly use Active Directory Certificate Services (AD CS) to support this task. In this post, we will show you how to migrate AD CS to […]

New report released – Centralized Trust for Decentralized Uses: Revisiting Private Certificate Authorities

Amazon Web Services (AWS) is excited to announce the availability of a new sponsored report from S&P Global Market Intelligence 451 Research, Centralized Trust for Decentralized Uses: Revisiting Private Certificate Authorities. We heard from customers actively seeking centralized management solutions for multi-cloud environments and worked with 451 Research, a technology research solution that provides a […]

Set up AWS Private Certificate Authority to issue certificates for use with IAM Roles Anywhere

Traditionally, applications or systems—defined as pieces of autonomous logic functioning without direct user interaction—have faced challenges associated with long-lived credentials such as access keys. In certain circumstances, long-lived credentials can increase operational overhead and the scope of impact in the event of an inadvertent disclosure. To help mitigate these risks and follow the best practice […]

AWS Private Certificate Authority

How to enforce multi-party approval for creating Matter-compliant certificate authorities

Customers who build smart home devices using the Matter protocol from the Connectivity Standards Alliance (CSA) need to create and maintain digital certificates, called device attestation certificates (DACs), to allow their devices to interoperate with devices from other vendors. DACs must be issued by a Matter device attestation certificate authority (CA). The CSA mandates multi-party […]

Matter CA three-tier hierarchy and the role of PAA, PAIs, and DACs

Use AWS Private Certificate Authority to issue device attestation certificates for Matter

In this blog post, we show you how to use AWS Private Certificate Authority (CA) to create Matter device attestation CAs to issue device attestation certificates (DAC). By using this solution, device makers can operate their own device attestation CAs, building on the solid security foundation provided by AWS Private CA. This post assumes that […]