AWS Security Blog

How to enforce DNS name constraints in AWS Private CA

In March 2022, AWS announced support for custom certificate extensions, including name constraints, using AWS Private Certificate Authority (AWS Private CA). Defining DNS name constraints with your subordinate CA can help establish guardrails to improve public key infrastructure (PKI) security and mitigate certificate misuse. For example, you can set a DNS name constraint that restricts the CA from issuing certificates to a resource that is using a specific domain name. Certificate requests from resources using an unauthorized domain name will be rejected by your CA and won’t be issued a certificate.

In this blog post, I’ll walk you step-by-step through the process of applying DNS name constraints to a subordinate CA by using the AWS Private CA service.


You need to have the following prerequisite tools, services, and permissions in place before following the steps presented within this post:

  1. AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) permissions with full access to AWS Certificate Manager and AWS Private CA. The corresponding AWS managed policies are named AWSCertificateManagerFullAccess and AWSCertificateManagerPrivateCAFullAccess.
  2. AWS Command Line Interface (AWS CLI) 2.9.13 or later installed.
  3. Python 3.7.15 or later installed.
  4. Python’s package manager, pip, 20.2.2 or later installed.
  5. An existing deployment of AWS Private CA with a root and subordinate CA.
  6. The Amazon Resource Names (ARN) for your root and subordinate CAs.
  7. The command-line JSON processor jq.
  8. The Git command-line tool.
  9. All of the examples in this blog post are provided for the us-west-2 AWS Region. You will need to make sure that you have access to resources in your desired Region and specify the Region in the example commands.

Retrieve the solution code

Our GitHub repository contains the Python code that you need in order to replicate the steps presented in this post. There are two methods for cloning the repository provided, HTTPS or SSH. Select the method that you prefer.

To clone the solution repository using HTTPS

  • Run the following command in your terminal.
    git clone

To clone the solution repository using SSH

  • Run the following command in your terminal.
    git clone

Set up your Python environment

Creating a Python virtual environment will allow you to run this solution in a fresh environment without impacting your existing Python packages. This will prevent the solution from interfering with dependencies that your other Python scripts may have. The virtual environment has its own set of Python packages installed. Read the official Python documentation on virtual environments for more information on their purpose and functionality.

To create a Python virtual environment

  1. Create a new directory for the Python virtual environment in your home path.
    mkdir ~/python-venv-for-aws-private-ca-name-constraints
  2. Create a Python virtual environment using the directory that you just created.
    python -m venv ~/python-venv-for-aws-private-ca-name-constraints
  3. Activate the Python virtual environment.
    source ~/python-venv-for-aws-private-ca-name-constraints/bin/activate
  4. Upgrade pip to the latest version.
    python -m pip install --upgrade pip

To install the required Python packages

  1. Navigate to the solution source directory. Make sure to replace <~/github> with your information.
    cd <~/github>/aws-private-ca-name-constraints/src/
  2. Install the necessary Python packages and dependencies. Make sure to replace <~/github> with your information.
    pip install -r <~/github>/aws-private-ca-name-constraints/src/requirements.txt

Generate the API passthrough file with encoded name constraints

This step allows you to define the permitted and excluded DNS name constraints to apply to your subordinate CA. Read the documentation on name constraints in RFC 5280 for more information on their usage and functionality.

The Python encoder provided in this solution accepts two arguments for the permitted and excluded name constraints. The -p argument is used to provide the permitted subtrees, and the -e argument is used to provide the excluded subtrees. Use commas without spaces to separate multiple entries. For example: -p, -e,

To encode your name constraints

  1. Run the following command, and update <~/github> with your information and provide your desired name constraints for the permitted (-p) and excluded (-e) arguments.
    python <~/github>/aws-private-ca-name-constraints/src/ -p <,> -e <>
  2. If the command runs successfully, you will see the message “Successfully Encoded Name Constraints” and the name of the generated API passthrough JSON file. The output of Permitted Subtrees will show the domain names you passed with the -p argument, and Excluded Subtrees will show the domain names you passed with the -e argument in the previous step.
    Figure 1: Command line output example for

    Figure 1: Command line output example for

  3. Use the following command to display the contents of the API passthrough file generated by the Python encoder.
    cat <~/github>/aws-private-ca-name-constraints/src/api_passthrough_config.json | jq .
  4. The contents of api_passthrough_config.json will look similar to the following screenshot. The JSON object will have an ObjectIdentifier key and value of, which represents the name constraints OID from the Global OID database. The base64-encoded Value represents the permitted and excluded name constraints you provided to the Python encoder earlier.
    Figure 2: Viewing contents of api_passthrough_config.json

    Figure 2: Viewing contents of api_passthrough_config.json

Generate a CSR from your subordinate CA

You must generate a certificate signing request (CSR) from the subordinate CA to which you intend to have the name constraints applied. Otherwise, you might encounter errors when you attempt to install the new certificate with name constraints.

To generate the CSR

  1. Update and run the following command with your subordinate CA ARN and Region. The ARN is something that uniquely identifies AWS resources, similar to how your home address tells the mail person where to deliver the mail. In this case, the ARN is the unique identifier for your subordinate CA that tells the command which subordinate CA it’s interacting with.
    aws acm-pca get-certificate-authority-csr \
    --certificate-authority-arn <arn:aws:acm-pca:us-west-2:111111111111:certificate-authority/cdd22222-2222-2f22-bb2e-222f222222ab> \
    --output text \
    --region <us-west-2> > ca.csr 
  2. View your subordinate CA’s CSR.
    openssl req -text -noout -verify -in ca.csr
  3. The following screenshot provides an example output for a CSR. Your CSR details will be different; however, you should see something similar. Look for verify OK in the output and make sure that the Subject details match your subordinate CA. The subject details will provide the country, state, and city. The details will also likely contain your organization’s name, organizational unit or department name, and a common name for the subordinate CA.
    Figure 3: Reviewing CSR content using openssl

    Figure 3: Reviewing CSR content using openssl

Use the root CA to issue a new certificate with the name constraints custom extension

This post uses a two-tiered certificate authority architecture for simplicity. However, you can use the steps in this post with a more complex multi-level CA architecture. The name constraints certificate will be generated by the root CA and applied to the intermediary CA.

To issue and download a certificate with name constraints

  1. Run the following command, making sure to update the argument values in red italics with your information. Make sure that the certificate-authority-arn is that of your root CA.
    • Note that the provided template-arn instructs the root CA to use the api_passthrough_config.json file that you created earlier to generate the certificate with the name constraints custom extension. If you use a different template, the new certificate might not be created as you intended.
    • Also, note that the validity period provided in this example is 5 years or 1825 days. The validity period for your subordinate CA must be less than that of your root CA.
    aws acm-pca issue-certificate \
    --certificate-authority-arn <arn:aws:acm-pca:us-west-2:111111111111:certificate-authority/111f1111-ba1b-1111-b11d-11ce1a11afae> \
    --csr fileb://ca.csr \
    --signing-algorithm <SHA256WITHRSA> \
    --template-arn arn:aws:acm-pca:::template/SubordinateCACertificate_PathLen0_APIPassthrough/V1 \
    --api-passthrough file://api_passthrough_config.json \
    --validity Value=<1825>,Type=<DAYS> \
    --region <us-west-2>
  2. If the issue-certificate command is successful, the output will provide the ARN of the new certificate that is issued by the root CA. Copy the certificate ARN, because it will be used in the following command.
    Figure 4: Issuing a certificate with name constraints from the root CA using the AWS CLI

    Figure 4: Issuing a certificate with name constraints from the root CA using the AWS CLI

  3. To download the new certificate, run the following command. Make sure to update the placeholders in red italics with your root CA’s certificate-authority-arn, the certificate-arn you obtained from the previous step, and your region.
    aws acm-pca get-certificate \
    --certificate-authority-arn <arn:aws:acm-pca:us-west-2:111111111111:certificate-authority/111f1111-ba1b-1111-b11d-11ce1a11afae> \
    --certificate-arn <arn:aws:acm-pca:us-west-2:11111111111:certificate-authority/111f1111-ba1b-1111-b11d-11ce1a11afae/certificate/c555ced55c5a55aaa5f555e5555fd5f5> \
    --region <us-west-2> \
    --output json > cert.json
  4. Separate the certificate and certificate chain into two separate files by running the following commands. The new subordinate CA certificate is saved as cert.pem and the certificate chain is saved as cert_chain.pem.
    cat cert.json | jq -r .Certificate > cert.pem 
    cat cert.json | jq -r .CertificateChain > cert_chain.pem
  5. Verify that the certificate and certificate chain are valid and configured as expected.
    openssl x509 -in cert.pem -text -noout
    openssl x509 -in cert_chain.pem -text -noout
  6. The x509v3 Name Constraints portion of cert.pem should match the permitted and excluded name constraints you provided to the Python encoder earlier.
    Figure 5: Verifying the X509v3 name constraints in the newly issued certificate using openssl

    Figure 5: Verifying the X509v3 name constraints in the newly issued certificate using openssl

Install the name constraints certificate on the subordinate CA

In this section, you will install the name constraints certificate on your subordinate CA. Note that this will replace the existing certificate installed on the subordinate CA. The name constraints will go into effect as soon as the new certificate is installed.

To install the name constraints certificate

  1. Run the following command with your subordinate CA’s certificate-authority-arn and path to the cert.pem and cert_chain.pem files you created earlier.
    aws acm-pca import-certificate-authority-certificate \
    --certificate-authority-arn <arn:aws:acm-pca:us-west-2:111111111111:certificate-authority/111f1111-ba1b-1111-b11d-11ce1a11afae> \
    --certificate fileb://cert.pem \
    --certificate-chain fileb://cert_chain.pem 
  2. Run the following command with your subordinate CA’s certificate-authority-arn and region to get the CA’s status.
    aws acm-pca describe-certificate-authority \
    --certificate-authority-arn <arn:aws:acm-pca:us-west-2:111111111111:certificate-authority/cdd22222-2222-2f22-bb2e-222f222222ab> \
    --region <us-west-2> \
    --output json
  3. The output from the previous command will be similar to the following screenshot. The CertificateAuthorityConfiguration and highlighted NotBefore and NotAfter fields in the output should match the name constraints certificate.
    Figure 6: Verifying subordinate CA details using the AWS CLI

    Figure 6: Verifying subordinate CA details using the AWS CLI

Test the name constraints

Now that your subordinate CA has the new certificate installed, you can test to see if the name constraints are being enforced based on the certificate you installed in the previous section.

To request a certificate from your subordinate CA and test the applied name constraints

  1. To request a new certificate, update and run the following command with your subordinate CA’s certificate-authority-arn, region, and desired certificate subject in the domain-name argument.
    aws acm request-certificate \
    --certificate-authority-arn <arn:aws:acm-pca:us-west-2:111111111111:certificate-authority/cdd22222-2222-2f22-bb2e-222f222222ab> \
    --region <us-west-2> \
    --domain-name <>
  2. If the request-certificate command is successful, it will output a certificate ARN. Take note of this ARN, because you will need it in the next step.
  3. Update and run the following command with the certificate-arn from the previous step and your region to get the status of the certificate request.
    aws acm describe-certificate \
    --certificate-arn <arn:aws:acm:us-west-2:11111111111:certificate/f11aa1dc-1111-1d1f-1afd-4cb11111b111> \
    --region <us-west-2>
  4. You will see output similar to the following screenshot if the requested certificate domain name was not permitted by the name constraints applied to your subordinate CA. In this example, a certificate for was rejected. The Status shows “FAILED” and the FailureReason indicates “PCA_NAME_CONSTRAINTS_VALIDATION”.
    Figure 7: Verifying the status of the certificate request using the AWS CLI describe-certificate command

    Figure 7: Verifying the status of the certificate request using the AWS CLI describe-certificate command


In this blog post, you learned how to apply and test DNS name constraints in AWS Private CA. For additional information on this topic, review the AWS documentation on understanding certificate templates and instructions on how to issue a certificate with custom extensions using an APIPassthrough template. If you prefer to use code in Java language format, see Activate a subordinate CA with the NameConstraints extension.

If you have feedback about this post, submit comments in the Comments section below. If you have questions about this post, start a new thread on the AWS Security, Identity, & Compliance re:Post or contact AWS Support.

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Isaiah Schisler

Isaiah Schisler

Isaiah is a Security Consultant with AWS Professional Services. He’s an Air Force Veteran and currently helps organizations secure their cloud environments. He is passionate about security and automation.

Raul Radu

Raul Radu

Raul is a Senior Security Consultant with AWS Professional Services. He helps organizations secure their AWS environments and workloads in the cloud. He is passionate about privacy and security in a connected world.