AWS Security Blog

How to use the Amazon Detective API to investigate GuardDuty security findings and enrich data in Security Hub

Understanding risk and identifying the root cause of an issue in a timely manner is critical to businesses. Amazon Web Services (AWS) offers multiple security services that you can use together to perform more timely investigations and improve the mean time to remediate issues. In this blog post, you will learn how to integrate Amazon Detective with AWS Security Hub, giving you better visibility into threat indicators and investigative data directly from Security Hub, which provides you with a centralized view of your overall security posture across your AWS accounts.

Amazon GuardDuty is an intelligent threat detection service that continuously monitors your AWS accounts, workloads, runtime activity, and data for potential malicious activity. If suspicious activity, such as anomalous behavior or credential exfiltration, is detected, GuardDuty generates detailed security findings. When you enable GuardDuty and Security Hub in the same account within the same AWS Region, GuardDuty sends its generated findings to Security Hub.

AWS Security Hub is a cloud security posture management tool that automatically detects when your AWS accounts and resources deviate from security best practices, aggregates security alerts into a single place and format, and provides insight into your security posture across your AWS accounts.

Amazon Detective makes it easier for you to analyze, investigate, and quickly identify the root cause of potential security issues or suspicious activities. Detective supports the ability to automatically investigate AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) users and roles for indicators of compromise (IoC). This capability helps security analysts determine whether IAM users and IAM roles have potentially been compromised or involved in any known tactics, techniques, and procedures (TTPs) from the MITRE ATT&CK framework. In this post, we show you an example of how to programmatically use the Detective Investigation API to help investigate potential security issues.

The example architecture we provide in this post performs enrichment automatically for CRITICAL, HIGH, and MEDIUM severity findings and gives you the flexibility to initiate additional investigations and enrichment on-demand. You then have the option to review those enriched findings directly in the Security Hub console, or you can enable an integration to review the enriched findings in the AWS service or AWS Partner Network (APN) solution of your choice. This post gives an overview of what you need to do to build the example architecture, but if you prefer step-by-step instructions, check out the workshop version of the instructions.

This integration and finding enrichment is made possible through the use of the Detective Investigation API. You must have GuardDuty, Detective, and Security Hub enabled for this to work. We recommend that you build this architecture in the account you are using as a delegated admin for GuardDuty, Detective, and Security Hub, and in the Region where Security Hub aggregates findings (if finding aggregation is configured).

Solution architecture

Security Hub automatically ingests findings from GuardDuty. You can integrate Security Hub with Detective using EventBridge rules and a Lambda function. To make the solution more manageable and customizable, you can configure a Security Hub custom action and a Security Hub automation rule. The custom action is used to identify findings you want to manually select for investigation. The automation rule is configured to identify and flag findings you want to automatically initiate investigations for. EventBridge rules (two of them) are used to initiate the Lambda function for each finding you want to investigate and enrich. The Lambda function processes the finding it receives, makes API calls to Detective, and then makes an API call back to Security Hub to update and enrich the finding. The Lambda function is invoked one time for each finding. Figure 1 illustrates this solution.

Figure 1: The solution architecture, including GuardDuty, Security Hub, EventBridge, Lambda, and Detective

Figure 1: The solution architecture, including GuardDuty, Security Hub, EventBridge, Lambda, and Detective

The workflow is as follows:

  1. Security Hub automatically ingests the findings from GuardDuty. As Security Hub ingests the findings, it applies one or more enabled automation rules to modify the findings. You can use rules to add a user-defined field to mark which findings you want automatically processed, such as those of CRITICAL, HIGH, and MEDIUM severity.
  2. Security Hub emits an event for each new and updated imported finding after applying the automation rules that are enabled. The event that is emitted includes one finding (after automation rules are applied).
    B. Security Hub emits an event for each execution of a custom action. The event emitted includes the findings that are selected when the custom action is initiated.
  3. An EventBridge rule evaluates tevents that match Security Hub Findings – Imported and sends the events to a target Lambda function for processing. You can further adjust the event pattern to only send findings that contain a user-defined field.
    B. A second EventBridge rule evaluates events that match Security Hub Findings – Custom Action (the specific custom action) and sends the events to the same target Lambda function for processing.
  4. The target Lambda function processes the finding in the event, makes API calls to Detective to start an investigation for the related IAM user or IAM role (if there is one) and fetches the results. It then makes an API call to Security Hub to update the finding. The function adds a note with a summary of the investigation, a link to the full investigation result, and a user-defined field that can be used to filter for findings that have been investigated.

In the following sections of this post, we provide more detail on the architecture components and setup. As a prerequisite, you must have GuardDuty, Detective, and Security Hub enabled.

Perform investigations with Detective using Lambda

You can start investigations in Detective and retrieve the results through the API. AWS Lambda supports several programming languages, but you will use JavaScript (Node.js 20.x) in this example. To start an investigation, supply the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of an IAM role or user, the start time, the end time, and the ARN of the Detective behavior graph. The Detective API will fetch the results of the investigation, including IoCs, TTPs, and a categorical severity score. The severity score returned is computed using two dimensions, confidence and impact, where the confidence represents the likelihood that the events are anomalous and not normal user behavior, while the impact quantifies harm that could occur from the events as a measure of the TTPs’ effect.

You can use the example Lambda function in code sample 1 as the target of the EventBridge rule in the architecture previously described. The function takes the ARN from a GuardDuty security finding that was aggregated by Security Hub and calls the Investigation API. When the result is returned, the function formats the data into the AWS Security Finding Format (ASFF) used by Security Hub and calls the BatchUpdateFindings API to send the enriched, updated finding back to Security Hub. Make sure to read and review the function so you understand in detail how it works.

Code sample 1: Example JavaScript Lambda function using Node.js 20.x

"use strict";
import {
} from "@aws-sdk/client-detective";
import { BatchUpdateFindingsCommand, SecurityHubClient } from "@aws-sdk/client-securityhub";

const SHClient = new SecurityHubClient();
const detectiveClient = new DetectiveClient();

export const handler = async (event) => {
  try {
    // Handle only one (the first) finding per function call
    const finding = event.detail.findings[0];

    if (finding.ProductName != "GuardDuty") {
      // Handle only GuardDuty findings
      throw new Error("This is not a GuardDuty finding!");

    const listgraphs = new ListGraphsCommand({});
    const graphs = await detectiveClient.send(listgraphs);
    const graphArn = graphs.GraphList[0].Arn;

    const IAMResourceARNs = finding.Resources.filter((resource) => {
      return (
        resource.Type == "AwsIamAccessKey" ||
        resource.Type == "AwsIamRole" ||
        resource.Type == "AwsIamUser"
    }).map((resource) => {
      if (resource.Type == "AwsIamRole" || resource.Type == "AwsIamUser") {
        return {
          arn: resource.Id,
          type: resource.Type == "AwsIamRole" ? "role" : "user",
      } else if (resource.Type == "AwsIamAccessKey") {
        return {
          arn: `arn:aws:iam::${finding.AwsAccountId}:role/${resource.Details.AwsIamAccessKey.PrincipalName}`,
          type: "role",

    if (IAMResourceARNs.length == 0) {
      throw new Error("No IAM resource!");

    // Investigate the first IAM role or user identified in the finding
    const investigationTarget = IAMResourceARNs[0].arn;
    const investigationTargetType = IAMResourceARNs[0].type;

    const investigationEndTime = new Date(;

    let investigationStartTime;
    if (finding.FirstObservedAt) {
      investigationStartTime = new Date(finding.FirstObservedAt);
    } else if (finding.CreatedAt) {
      investigationStartTime = new Date(finding.CreatedAt);
    } else if (finding.ProcessedAt) {
      investigationStartTime = new Date(finding.ProcessedAt);
    } else {
      throw new Error("Investigation start time invalid!");
    investigationStartTime.setHours(investigationStartTime.getHours() - 24);

    const totalInvestigationTime = Math.round(
      (investigationEndTime.getTime() - investigationStartTime.getTime()) / (1000 * 60 * 60),
    ); // Hours

    const startInvestigationRequest = {
      GraphArn: graphArn,
      EntityArn: investigationTarget,
      ScopeStartTime: investigationStartTime,
      ScopeEndTime: investigationEndTime,

    const startinvestigation = new StartInvestigationCommand(startInvestigationRequest);
    const investigation = await detectiveClient.send(startinvestigation);
    const investigationId = investigation.InvestigationId;

    const getInvestigationRequest = {
      GraphArn: graphArn,
      InvestigationId: investigationId,

    let investigationResult = { Status: "RUNNING" };
    while (investigationResult.Status == "RUNNING") {
      await new Promise((r) => setTimeout(r, 30000));
      const getinvestigation = new GetInvestigationCommand(getInvestigationRequest);
      investigationResult = await detectiveClient.send(getinvestigation);
      if (investigationResult.Status == "FAILED") {
        throw new Error("Investigation failed!");

    let investigationSummary = "";
    switch (investigationResult.Severity) {
      case "INFORMATIONAL":
      case "LOW":
        investigationSummary += `We did not observe uncommon behavior for the associated ${investigationTargetType} during the ${totalInvestigationTime} hour investigation window.`;
      case "MEDIUM":
        investigationSummary += `We observed anomalous behavior for the associated ${investigationTargetType} during the ${totalInvestigationTime} hour investigation window which might be indicative of compromise.`;
      case "HIGH":
      case "CRITICAL":
        investigationSummary += `We observed anomalous behavior for the associated ${investigationTargetType} during the ${totalInvestigationTime} hour investigation window indicating potential compromise.`;
        throw new Error("Severity information not found!");

    investigationSummary += " For more information, visit ";
    investigationSummary += `https://${process.env.AWS_REGION}${process.env.AWS_REGION}#investigationReport/${investigationResult.InvestigationId}`;

    const findingUpdateInput = {
      FindingIdentifiers: [
          Id: finding.Id,
          ProductArn: finding.ProductArn,
      Note: {
        Text: investigationSummary.substring(0, 512),
        UpdatedBy: "Detective Investigation Lambda function.",
      UserDefinedFields: {
        investigate: "complete",

    const batchUpdateCommand = new BatchUpdateFindingsCommand(findingUpdateInput);
    const updatedFinding = await SHClient.send(batchUpdateCommand);

    return updatedFinding;
  } catch (error) {
    console.error("Error:", error);
    throw error;

For this function to work as desired, you need to change the permissions and the timeout of the Lambda function. The permissions must include the necessary actions you are taking with Detective and Security Hub in the function. Attach the policy shown in code example 2 to the role used by the function. Then set the timeout of the function to 15 minutes to allow Detective to complete the investigation. Note that you can change “Resource”:”*” to restrict permissions as needed.

Code example 2: Permissions required by the Lambda function

	"Version": "2012-10-17",
	"Statement": [
			"Effect": "Allow",
			"Action": [
			"Resource": "*"

Initiate automated investigations and finding enrichment

Now that you’ve set up the Lambda function, you’re ready to set up the two methods of initiating the investigations. The first approach involves automatically investigating and enriching CRITICAL, HIGH, and MEDIUM severity GuardDuty findings. This can accelerate investigations for the highest severity findings because you don’t need to go into Security Hub or Detective and manually select the findings for investigation.

In this approach, the investigation Lambda function you previously created is automatically invoked by using Security Hub automations and an EventBridge rule. Using Security Hub automations allows you to configure and update which findings get automatically investigated and enriched without ongoing code changes. (Automation rules use a UI with dropdown options for criteria.)

Set up an automation rule from the Automations page in Security Hub. Use these criteria for the rule:

  • ProductName equals GuardDuty
  • SeverityLabel equals CRITICAL, HIGH, or MEDIUM
  • ResourceType equals AwsIamUser or AwsIamRole (shown in Figure 2)

In the future, if you want to modify which findings are automatically investigated, you can revisit the rule and select new criteria to specify which findings receive the user-defined field.

Figure 2: Example criteria for automation rule in Security Hub

Figure 2: Example criteria for automation rule in Security Hub

For the automated actions for the rule, add a user-defined field as follows:

  • Key: investigate, Value: true (shown in Figure 3)
Figure 3: Define the user-defined field for the automation rule in Security Hub

Figure 3: Define the user-defined field for the automation rule in Security Hub

Next, set an EventBridge rule to determine which Security Hub Findings – Imported events are investigated based on the user-defined field, investigate. Each Security Hub Findings – Imported event contains a single finding. Use the JSON pattern shown in Code example 3 to match findings in the rule. You need to set the target of this rule to the Lambda function you set up earlier.

Code example 3: The pattern used in your EventBridge rule

  "source": ["aws.securityhub"],
  "detail": {
    "findings": {
      "UserDefinedFields": {
        "investigate": ["true"]

As new findings are aggregated in Security Hub, they are evaluated and updated by the automation rule. Findings that receive the user-defined field will initiate the Lambda function. After the Lambda function is initiated, it might take a couple of minutes for the execution to complete and appear in Security Hub. When it does, you will notice a new Notes field, as shown in Figure 4, and additional data in the finding JSON.

Figure 4: See that the enriched finding now includes a Notes section

Figure 4: See that the enriched finding now includes a Notes section

You can also see what updates were made to the finding on the History tab of the finding, as shown in Figure 5.

Figure 5: See the fields that were updated for the finding under the History tab

Figure 5: See the fields that were updated for the finding under the History tab

If you want to modify which findings start this flow, you can modify the automation rule in the Security Hub console. For example, you might also want to investigate findings from other services or with other severity labels. Keep in mind that Detective only supports IAM users and IAM roles.

You might want to add additional criteria to help prevent repeat investigations on the same findings. For example, you might not want to have the investigation flow initiated every time a finding receives an update. To help prevent this behavior, you can add criteria to the automation rule where the user-defined field, investigate, does not equal complete.

On-demand finding investigation and enrichment

The second approach involves investigating and enriching findings on-demand. You might want to use both approaches in case there are findings that don’t meet the criteria of your earlier automation that you still want to investigate.

In this approach, initiate the Lambda function through the use of a feature in Security Hub called custom actions. To use a Security Hub custom action to send findings to EventBridge, you first create the custom action in Security Hub. Name it Investigate. Then, define a rule in EventBridge that applies to your custom action (using the ARN of the custom action) and that uses the same Lambda function as the target to orchestrate the automation. The pattern of your EventBridge rule will be similar to the one shown in Figure 6, but uses the ARN of the custom action you create in Security Hub.

Figure 6: The EventBridge rule for the second approach

Figure 6: The EventBridge rule for the second approach

After you set up the custom action and the EventBridge rule, you can select a finding and choose Investigate from the Actions dropdown list to initiate the processing, as shown in Figure 7.

Figure 7: Initiate the on-demand finding enrichment

Figure 7: Initiate the on-demand finding enrichment

Because both approaches to initiating the investigation use the same Lambda function, the resulting enriched finding in Security Hub will be the same.

Limitations and further customization

We encourage you to try, test, and customize the architecture and example code. To simplify the example, there are some limitations coded in the Lambda function. For example, the Lambda function processes only the first finding it receives (per execution) and proceeds only if the finding originates from GuardDuty. The function also only begins an investigation into the first IAM user or IAM role it identifies that is associated with the finding. If you have a use case requiring that the Lambda function handle multiple findings at a time, findings from other services, or other problems, you will need to make code or architectural changes to accommodate those requirements (such as incorporating the use of AWS Step Functions or Amazon Simple Queue Service (Amazon SQS)), and perform the relevant testing.


Use the example code provided here or the detailed workshop version of the instructions to try out the Detective API and enrich findings in Security Hub with investigative data. This can help you reduce mean time to respond by automatically investigating IAM entities, providing investigation details within the findings, and giving you a direct link into the details of the Detective investigation. Visit Getting started with AWS Security Hub, Getting started with Amazon Detective, and Getting started with Amazon GuardDuty to learn more.

If you have feedback about this post, submit comments in the Comments section below. If you have questions about this post, contact AWS Support.

Nicholas Jaeger

Nicholas Jaeger

Nicholas is a Principal Security Solutions Architect at AWS, where he provides guidance to customers focused on operating their business as securely as possible on AWS. His background includes software engineering, teaching, solutions architecture, and AWS security. Nicholas also hosts AWS Security Activation Days to provide customers with prescriptive guidance while using AWS security services.

Rima Tanash

Rima Tanash

Rima, a Senior Security Engineer and researcher at AWS, specializes in developing innovative cloud security features that use machine learning and automated reasoning. Her work encompasses modeling automating risk identification, AWS API sequences, building investigative playbooks, and graph analytics for threat modeling. She holds a PhD from Rice University and a Master’s from Johns Hopkins University.