AWS Security Blog

Tag: Amazon Cognito

Example default hosted UI with several login providers enabled

Should I use the hosted UI or create a custom UI in Amazon Cognito?

September 8, 2023: It’s important to know that if you activate user sign-up in your user pool, anyone on the internet can sign up for an account and sign in to your apps. Don’t enable self-registration in your user pool unless you want to open your app to allow users to sign up. July 27, […]

Lambda function initiated by EventBridge rule

How to monitor the expiration of SAML identity provider certificates in an Amazon Cognito user pool

With Amazon Cognito user pools, you can configure third-party SAML identity providers (IdPs) so that users can log in by using the IdP credentials. The Amazon Cognito user pool manages the federation and handling of tokens returned by a configured SAML IdP. It uses the public certificate of the SAML IdP to verify the signature […]

Simplify web app authentication: A guide to AD FS federation with Amazon Cognito user pools

September 8, 2023: It’s important to know that if you activate user sign-up in your user pool, anyone on the internet can sign up for an account and sign in to your apps. Don’t enable self-registration in your user pool unless you want to open your app to allow users to sign up. August 13, […]

Top 2021 AWS service launches security professionals should review – Part 2

In Part 1 of this two-part series, we shared an overview of some of the most important 2021 Amazon Web Services (AWS) Security service and feature launches. In this follow-up, we’ll dive deep into additional launches that are important for security professionals to be aware of and understand across all AWS services. There have already […]

Figure 2. Get the projectID and inset it in a custom claim in the Identity token

Use Amazon Cognito to add claims to an identity token for fine-grained authorization

August 2, 2023: Amazon Verified Permissions now offers a direct integration with Amazon Cognito to add fine-grained authorization within your applications. Learn more. With Amazon Cognito, you can quickly add user sign-up, sign-in, and access control to your web and mobile applications. After a user signs in successfully, Cognito generates an identity token for user […]

Best practices: Securing your Amazon Location Service resources

Location data is subjected to heavy scrutiny by security experts. Knowing the current position of a person, vehicle, or asset can provide industries with many benefits, whether to understand where a current delivery is, how many people are inside a venue, or to optimize routing for a fleet of vehicles. This blog post explains how […]

How to set up Amazon Cognito for federated authentication using Azure AD

September 8, 2023: It’s important to know that if you activate user sign-up in your user pool, anyone on the internet can sign up for an account and sign in to your apps. Don’t enable self-registration in your user pool unless you want to open your app to allow users to sign up. In this […]

Implement OAuth 2.0 device grant flow by using Amazon Cognito and AWS Lambda

In this blog post, you’ll learn how to implement the OAuth 2.0 device authorization grant flow for Amazon Cognito by using AWS Lambda and Amazon DynamoDB. When you implement the OAuth 2.0 authorization framework (RFC 6749) for internet-connected devices with limited input capabilities or that lack a user-friendly browser—such as wearables, smart assistants, video-streaming devices, […]

17 additional AWS services authorized for DoD workloads in the AWS GovCloud Regions

I’m pleased to announce that the Defense Information Systems Agency (DISA) has authorized 17 additional Amazon Web Services (AWS) services and features in the AWS GovCloud (US) Regions, bringing the total to 105 services and major features that are authorized for use by the U.S. Department of Defense (DoD). AWS now offers additional services to […]

Access token security for microservice APIs on Amazon EKS

In this blog post, I demonstrate how to implement service-to-service authorization using OAuth 2.0 access tokens for microservice APIs hosted on Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (Amazon EKS). A common use case for OAuth 2.0 access tokens is to facilitate user authorization to a public facing application. Access tokens can also be used to identify and […]