AWS Security Blog

Tag: Devops

Mitigate data leakage through the use of AppStream 2.0 and end-to-end auditing

Customers want to use AWS services to operate on their most sensitive data, but they want to make sure that only the right people have access to that data. Even when the right people are accessing data, customers want to account for what actions those users took while accessing the data. In this post, we […]

Isolating network access to your AWS Cloud9 environments

In this post, I show you how to create isolated AWS Cloud9 environments for your developers without requiring ingress (inbound) access from the internet. I also walk you through optional steps to further isolate your AWS Cloud9 environment by removing egress (outbound) access. Until recently, AWS Cloud9 required you to allow ingress Secure Shell (SSH) […]

Use AWS Firewall Manager and VPC security groups to protect your applications hosted on EC2 instances

June 21, 2024: This blog was updated to reflect new service features and console changes, and to add additional resources. You can use AWS Firewall Manager to centrally configure and manage Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (Amazon VPC) security groups across all your AWS accounts. This post will take you through the step-by-step instructions to apply common security group rules, […]

Figure 1 - The AWS Cloud Adoption Framework Security Perspective

How to manage security governance using DevOps methodologies

I’ve conducted more security audits and reviews than I can comfortably count, and I’ve found that these reviews can be surprisingly open to interpretation (as much as they try not to be). Many companies use spreadsheets to explain and limit business risks, with an annual review to confirm the continued suitability of their controls. However, […]

Using AWS Firewall Manager and WAF to protect your web applications with master rules and application-specific rules

Jeff Barr’s blog post introducing AWS Firewall Manager describes how you can centrally manage a set of web application firewall rules to protect all the applications in an AWS Organization. This blog post will take you through the specific steps to implement firewall rules using both AWS Web Application Firewall (AWS WAF) and AWS Firewall […]