AWS Security Blog

Tag: SaaS

SaaS authentication: Identity management with Amazon Cognito user pools

Amazon Cognito is a customer identity and access management (CIAM) service that can scale to millions of users. Although the Cognito documentation details which multi-tenancy models are available, determining when to use each model can sometimes be challenging. In this blog post, we’ll provide guidance on when to use each model and review their pros […]

Example multi-tenant SaaS application

SaaS tenant isolation with ABAC using AWS STS support for tags in JWT

As independent software vendors (ISVs) shift to a multi-tenant software-as-a-service (SaaS) model, they commonly adopt a shared infrastructure model to achieve cost and operational efficiency. The more ISVs move into a multi-tenant model, the more concern they may have about the potential for one tenant to access the resources of another tenant. SaaS systems include […]

smart home

Using Amazon Verified Permissions to manage authorization for AWS IoT smart home applications

This blog post introduces how manufacturers and smart appliance consumers can use Amazon Verified Permissions to centrally manage permissions and fine-grained authorizations. Developers can offer more intuitive, user-friendly experiences by designing interfaces that align with user personas and multi-tenancy authorization strategies, which can lead to higher user satisfaction and adoption. Traditionally, implementing authorization logic using […]

SaaS access control using Amazon Verified Permissions with a per-tenant policy store

SaaS access control using Amazon Verified Permissions with a per-tenant policy store

Access control is essential for multi-tenant software as a service (SaaS) applications. SaaS developers must manage permissions, fine-grained authorization, and isolation. In this post, we demonstrate how you can use Amazon Verified Permissions for access control in a multi-tenant document management SaaS application using a per-tenant policy store approach. We also describe how to enforce the […]

SaaS architecture with role chaining

How to improve cross-account access for SaaS applications accessing customer accounts

Several independent software vendors (ISVs) and software as a service (SaaS) providers need to access their customers’ Amazon Web Services (AWS) accounts, especially if the SaaS product accesses data from customer environments. SaaS providers have adopted multiple variations of this third-party access scenario. In some cases, the providers ask the customer for an access key […]

How to secure your SaaS tenant data in DynamoDB with ABAC and client-side encryption

If you’re a SaaS vendor, you may need to store and process personal and sensitive data for large numbers of customers across different geographies. When processing sensitive data at scale, you have an increased responsibility to secure this data end-to-end. Client-side encryption of data, such as your customers’ contact information, provides an additional mechanism that […]

Security Practices in AWS Multi-Tenant SaaS Environments

Security practices in AWS multi-tenant SaaS environments

Securing software-as-a-service (SaaS) applications is a top priority for all application architects and developers. Doing so in an environment shared by multiple tenants can be even more challenging. Identity frameworks and concepts can take time to understand, and forming tenant isolation in these environments requires deep understanding of different tools and services. While security is […]

How to implement SaaS tenant isolation with ABAC and AWS IAM

April 25, 2023: We’ve updated this blog post to include more security learning resources. August 31, 2021: AWS KMS is replacing the term customer master key (CMK) with AWS KMS key and KMS key. The concept has not changed. To prevent breaking changes, AWS KMS is keeping some variations of this term. More info. Multi-tenant […]