AWS Security Blog
Use AWS Secrets Manager client-side caching libraries to improve the availability and latency of using your secrets
At AWS, we offer features that make it easier for you to follow the AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) best practice of using short-term credentials. For example, you can use an IAM role that rotates and distributes short-term AWS credentials to your applications automatically. Similarly, you can configure AWS Secrets Manager to rotate a database credential daily, turning a typical, long-term credential in to a short-term credential that is rotated automatically. Today, AWS Secrets Manager introduced a client-side caching library for Java and a client-side caching library of Java Database Connectivity (JDBC) drivers that make it easier to distribute these credentials to your applications. Client-side caching can help you improve the availability and latency of using your secrets. It can also help you reduce the cost associated with retrieving secrets. In this post, we’ll walk you through the following topics:
- Benefits of the Secrets Manager client-side caching libraries
- Overview of the Secrets Manager client-side caching library for JDBC
- Using the client-side caching library for JDBC to connect your application to a database
Benefits of the Secrets Manager client-side caching libraries
The key benefits of the client-side caching libraries are:
- Improved availability: You can cache secrets to reduce the impact of network availability issues, such as increased response times and temporary loss of network connectivity.
- Improved latency: Retrieving secrets from the cache is faster than retrieving secrets by sending API requests to Secrets Manager within a Virtual Private Network (VPN) or over the Internet.
- Reduced cost: Retrieving secrets from the cache can reduce the number of API requests made to and billed by Secrets Manager.
- Automatic distribution of secrets: The library updates the cache periodically, ensuring your applications use the most up to date secret value, which you may have configured to rotate regularly.
- Update your applications to use client-side caching in two steps: Add the library dependency to your application and then provide the identifier of the secret that you want the library to use.
Overview of the Secrets Manager client-side caching library for JDBC
Java applications use JDBC drivers to interact with databases and connection pooling tools, such as c3p0, to manage connections to databases. The client-side caching library for JDBC operates by retrieving secrets from Secrets Manager and providing these to the JDBC driver transparently, eliminating the need to hard-code the database user name and password in the connection pooling tool. To see how the client-side caching library works, review the diagram below.

Figure 1: Diagram showing how the client-side caching library works
When an application attempts to connect to a database (step 1), the client-side caching library calls the GetSecretValue command (steps 2) to retrieve the secret (step 3) required to establish this connection. Next, the library provides the secret to the JDBC driver transparently to connect the application to the database (steps 4 and 5). The library also caches the secret. If the application attempts to connect to the database again (step 6), the library retrieves the secret from the cache and calls the JDBC driver to connect to the database (steps 7 and 8).
The library refreshes the cache every hour. The library also handles stale credentials in the cache automatically. For example, after a secret is rotated, an application’s attempt to create new connections using the cached credentials will result in authentication failure. When this happens, the library will catch these authentication failures, refresh the cache, and retry the database connection automatically.
Use the client-side caching library for JDBC to connect your application to a database
Now that you’re familiar with the benefits and functions of client-side caching, we’ll show you how to use the client-side caching library for JDBC to connect your application to a database. These instructions assume your application is built in Java 8 or higher, uses the open-source c3po JDBC connection pooling library to manage connections between the application and the database, and uses the open-source tool Maven for building and managing the application. To get started, follow these steps.
- Navigate to the Secrets Manager console and store the user name and password for a MySQL database user. We’ll use the placeholder, CachingLibraryDemo, to denote this secret and the placeholder ARN-CachingLibraryDemo to denote the ARN of this secret. Remember to replace these with the name and ARN of your secret. Note: For step-by-step instructions on storing a secret, read the post on How to use AWS Secrets Manager to rotate credentials for all Amazon RDS database types.
- Next, update your application to consume the client-side caching library jar from the Sonatype Maven repository. To make this change, add the following profile to the ~/.m2/settings.xml file.
- Update your Maven build file to include the Java cache and JDBC driver dependencies. This ensures your application will include the relevant libraries at run time. To make this change, add the following dependency to the pom.xml file.
- For this post, we assume your application uses c3p0 to manage connections to the database. Configuring c3p0 requires providing the database user name and password as parameters. Here’s what the typical c3p0 configuration looks like:
Now, update the c3p0 configuration to retrieve this information from the client-side cache by replacing the user name with the ARN of the secret and adding the prefix jdbc-secretsmanager to the JDBC URL. You can provide the name of the secret instead of the ARN.
Note: In our code snippet, the JDBC URL points to our database. Update the string to point to your database.
You’ve successfully updated your application to use the client-side caching library for JDBC.
In this post, we’ve showed how you can improve availability, reduce latency, and reduce cost of using your secrets by using the Secrets Manager client-side caching library for JDBC. To get started managing secrets, open the Secrets Manager console. To learn more, read How to Store, Distribute, and Rotate Credentials Securely with Secret Manager or refer to the Secrets Manager documentation.
If you have comments about this post, submit them in the Comments section below. If you have questions about anything in this post, start a new thread on the Secrets Manager forum or contact AWS Support.
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