AWS Smart Business Blog

Category: Best Practices

Group of 4 business associates sitting at table

The Value of Upskilling Your SMB’s Employees in Generative AI

Businesses of all sizes and industries are tapping into generative artificial intelligence (AI) to streamline operations and foster creativity, deliver exceptional customer experiences with personalization, and gain valuable insights by analyzing conversational interactions and data. Many small and medium businesses (SMB) find themselves wondering how to effectively harness the power of generative AI to their […]

AWS Cloud Value Framework

How to Measure the ROI of Your Small Business’s Cloud Workflows

What would you do with an extra 20 percent in annual profits? For many small businesses, gains like that are the difference between surviving and thriving. Yet, what if we told you the cloud could deliver a significant return on investment and you just didn’t have the visibility to see it? Chances are, as a […]

Man in home office

How to Do a Cloud Cybersecurity Checkup for Your SMB in 2024: Benefits, Checklists, Requirements, and More

Each year, you likely visit your physician for an annual physical to make sure your health is intact or conditions are manageable. Much like your own health, your small or medium business’s (SMB) IT status should also be regularly evaluated. Regular security checkups are vital to identify issues, protect sensitive data, enable compliance, maintain business […]

Two colleagues sitting side by side in an office completing training in front of a computer monitor

Should My SMB Build or Buy its Own CRM? Pros, Cons, and Practical Use Cases

Did you know that according to, 83 percent of small businesses reported a positive return on investment after adopting customer relationship management (CRM) software, with an impressive 87 percent emphasizing the “very important” role it plays in their company’s management? According to the same study, nearly 90 percent of businesses using CRM view it […]

Two business owners discussing their cloud transformation journey on a production floor

Six Questions SMBs Should Ask When Planning IT Costs in 2024

Imagine diligently managing your IT budget for the year ahead only to be blindsided by unexpected costs. It could be something as small as an extra software license request or as large as an urgent cybersecurity upgrade. As every small or medium business (SMB) knows, every dollar must be spent strategically to maximize growth and […]

Three colleagues in an office huddling over a laptop

How Small and Medium Businesses Can Get Started with Artificial Intelligence

In a world where machines not only think but also learn and make decisions, the concept of Artificial Intelligence (AI) has rapidly transformed from science fiction to reality. AI is a field of computing that focuses on granting technology the ability to replicate human-level intelligence. Attaining intelligence is dependent on the process of learning, which, […]


Securing Your SMB: Benefits of Strong Cybersecurity Measures

Cybersecurity is essential for every business—full stop. As a small or medium business (SMB) you might believe cyber incidents are only concerns for global enterprises, but that couldn’t be further from the truth. According to Security Magazine over half of SMBs have experienced a breach—a third of which were in the past 12 months. But […]