AWS Smart Business Blog

Category: Security, Identity, & Compliance

Two coworkers looking at laptop screen

Implementing Zero Trust Security: A Practical Approach for SMBs

In today’s digital landscape, traditional network-based security approaches are no longer sufficient to protect systems and data. With users, applications, and workloads spread across various environments, businesses of all sizes need a security model that does not rely on network location as the sole factor for granting access. What is a Zero Trust security model? […]

Group Landmark employees meeting in an office setting about their cybersecurity plans

A Checklist for Assessing the Cybersecurity Needs of Your Small or Medium Business

If you’re like most small and medium businesses (SMBs), you need to split your attention each day and cybersecurity isn’t often one of the most pressing topics. For SMBs, the topic that is often taken for granted is the one that could have the biggest impact on business continuity. Without a dedicated Chief Information and […]

Man at desk in an office setting typing on his computer

Modernizing Small Business Communication and Collaboration with Cloud Services

When was the last time an important task, file, or customer complaint slipped through the cracks? How about a frustrating video chat or screen sharing connection where you couldn’t understand the person on the other end? These examples illustrate how outdated, on-premises collaboration tools can hinder productivity and cause miscommunication. Small and medium businesses (SMBs) […]

AWS Shared Responsibility Model depicting how customers are responsible for their own data, while AWS is responsible for the infrastructure hosting it.

Is the Cloud Safe for Small and Medium Businesses? Debunking Security Myths

The global workforce is rapidly digitizing. Thanks in part to a pandemic that accelerated the shift to remote work and consumers who demand an optimized supply chain, companies of various sizes are adopting cloud computing to modernize their business and compete in our digital world. However, there is one big question on the minds of […]

Employee standing with tablet device among heavy machinery

How to Ensure Your Small or Medium Business is Ready for IT Turnover

In 2021, the “Great Resignation” became a buzzword in the U.S. news media, referring to several long-term trends that were accelerated by the COVID-19 pandemic. Many workers decided to change jobs for more pay, leave roles that required long commutes, put more emphasis on their life outside of work, or take a well-earned retirement. Additionally, […]

AWS Shared Responsibility Model depicting how customers are responsible for their own data, while AWS is responsible for the infrastructure hosting it.

Five Considerations for Small and Medium Businesses Building Secure Cloud Solutions

Security is often top of the mind for small and medium sized business (SMB) leaders as they plan to invest more in cloud computing. They want to be able to identify security events, protect systems and services, and maintain the confidentiality and integrity of data. SMBs are challenged with limited knowledge or information on cost […]

Man in home office

Confidence in the Cloud: Five Ways IT Security Can Strengthen Your Small or Medium Size Business

New digital business models are providing small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs) unprecedented advantage to reach new customers and expand into newer markets. But there’s one thing that stands in its way—IT security. The right resources are often out of reach – only one in four SMBs say they have the personnel to address IT security. […]

Two business owners discussing their cloud transformation journey on a production floor

Seeking a Technology Partner to Modernize IT for Small and Medium Business Needs

Today, digital technologies have opened up a new world of possibilities for modernizing small and medium businesses (SMBs). Some growing companies like yours are taking on initiatives improving telecommunications programs and increasing customer service effectiveness with newer, flexible IT cloud services. However, many companies are lagging behind in the digital revolution when it comes to […]

Models of data governance diagram explained in text below

How to Create a Data Governance Strategy for Your Small or Medium Business

When you hear the term “data governance,” you might associate it with highly-regulated industries such as healthcare and financial services. But smart businesses across all industries recognize using data effectively can provide a competitive advantage. A 2021 report on confident decision making with data indicated that “66% of data and analytics professionals experienced improved data quality […]

Generate, consume, optimize circular diagram

How to Manage Cloud Costs for Your Small or Medium Business

For your small or medium business (SMB) to get maximum return on its IT investments, you must build a strong foundation of cloud financial management capabilities. IDC surveys (2022) show that cloud infrastructure and Platform as a Service costs are topping the list of the highest area of cost containment concern (53%). At the same […]