AWS Smart Business Blog

Two colleagues sitting side by side in an office completing training in front of a computer monitor

Why Small and Medium Businesses Should Invest in IT Training to Accelerate Growth

The success of some modern businesses relies on a smart IT strategy that incorporates business requirements and relevant technologies. Many organizations, however, struggle in translating business needs into effective IT investments and operation plans. That is often because they don’t have the skills they need to build and deliver effective transformation. IT talent is sparse […]

Amazon QuickSign dashboard depicting visual diagrams of sales data in pie chart, line graph, and other formats

Reinventing Small and Medium Businesses with Better Data Insights

If you had the ability to synthesize and analyze all of your business data, what would it allow you to achieve? Between business apps, social media, and internet-connected devices, you likely have enough data inputs to fuel your small or medium business’s (SMBs) decisions. One common misconception is that wide-ranging data analysis is only possible […]

Video editor in front of work station coordinating final sending

Four Reasons Why Small and Medium Businesses Are Moving Data Storage to the Cloud

The world around us is getting digitized at a tremendous pace. Now more than ever, people are working from home and businesses are adopting new technology to engage customers, develop new capabilities, and improve productivity. As this Fourth Industrial Revolution plays out, the data we are creating is growing at a staggering rate. According to […]

Account team and customer meeting in an office

My Cloud Migration Strategy Helped Me Prepare for the Future in Months, Not Years

From staffing shortages to supply chain bottlenecks, the telecom industry has experienced many of the same problems facing almost every business sector since the pandemic. But along with these challenges, telecom and broadband companies are also feeling a demand for innovation. The last two years have brought a fresh wave of investment to telecom, including […]

Models of data governance diagram explained in text below

How to Create a Data Governance Strategy for Your Small or Medium Business

When you hear the term “data governance,” you might associate it with highly-regulated industries such as healthcare and financial services. But smart businesses across all industries recognize using data effectively can provide a competitive advantage. A 2021 report on confident decision making with data indicated that “66% of data and analytics professionals experienced improved data quality […]

Team of three people collaborating in front of an easel with writing and notes

Three Ways Small and Medium Businesses Can Build a Culture of Innovation to Accelerate Growth

How do you define the term “innovation?” For some, people it could mean making small improvements to what they’ve always done. To others, it could also mean dreaming up something new and completely unprecedented—ultimately reinventing a business. In speaking with small and medium businesses (SMBs), we find a range of internal barriers which prevent them […]

Greenko employees meeting at their desks to discuss sustainability initiatives

Top Technology Sustainability Use Cases for Small and Medium Businesses

If small and medium businesses (SMBs) want to remain competitive and responsive in an evolving landscape, I believe it’s time they adopt sustainability as a strategic priority. Imminent government regulations and growing consumer expectations for brands to be better stewards of the planet are driving companies across all sectors to design sustainable solutions. In fact, […]

Diagram visually depicting procurement challenges

Why Small and Medium Businesses Simplify Software Procurement with AWS Marketplace

As a small and medium business (SMB) leader, you know how important software is for employee productivity, management, and other critical functions—but what happens as your company scales or infrastructure changes? SMBs are continuing to adopt cloud and often need to supplement the native capabilities offered on a cloud platform with software products from Independent […]

IT executive in datacenter looking at legacy technology

Three Ways Small and Medium Businesses Can Reduce IT Cost Barriers to the Cloud

Managing cloud migration project spending continues to be the most cited challenge that small to medium-sized businesses (SMBs) have encountered as scaling operational demands becomes increasingly vital to maintaining a competitive edge in the market. There are a number of ways to finance a cloud migration but for SMBs, finding the most cost-effective solution is […]

Woman staring at computer monitor pensively

Five Ways Smart Businesses Can Drive Greater Efficiency Amid Rising Costs

Whether it’s the cost of energy in Europe or inflation in the US, the cost of doing business is increasing around the world. The International Money Fund’s July 2022 World Economic Outlook expected growth to slow to 3.2 percent. Coupled with the numerous disruptions affecting supply chains, managing businesses of all sizes through these uncertain […]