AWS Startups Blog

Category: Startup Spotlight

Dune builds on AWS to amplify the impact of blockchain data

Dune, a web3 analytics unicorn founded in 2018, builds on Amazon Web Services (AWS) to provide a web-based platform that allows people to query public blockchain data and aggregate it into shareable dashboards. By migrating from their multi-cloud setup to go all-in on AWS, Dune significantly lowered their costs while optimizing their ability to build and scale.

AarogyaAI uses AI/ML on AWS to precisely diagnose antimicrobial resistance

AarogyaAI, a healthcare and life sciences startup, is building with artificial intelligence and machine learning (AI/ML) on AWS. AarogyaAI rapidly diagnoses drug resistance in patients caused by bacterial, fungal, and viral pathogens. This allows clinicians to make data-driven treatment decisions and prescribe drugs that effectively treat and increase health outcomes for patients.

How C2i Genomics builds on AWS to transform cancer care

Healthcare and life sciences (HCLS) startups recognize that technology is an impactful vehicle for advancing human health at speed and scale. More importantly, HCLS startups are working to do something about it. C2i Genomics, founded in 2019, is one such startup: C2i Genomics is building a whole genome intelligence platform to improve cancer monitoring. Using artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) solutions, C2i Genomics’ platform analyzes sequenced genome data to detect the tumor burden of cancer patients via a simple blood test.

Autonomous driving startup TIER IV uses AWS to change the future of mobility

Autonomous driving startup TIER IV uses AWS to change the future of mobility

In the automotive industry, TIER IV is an innovative and disruptive startup that is transforming the vehicle production process and the future of mobility. Founded in 2015 by Shinpei Kato in Japan, TIER IV builds platforms based on open source software—platforms they manage using AWS—that their partners use for building autonomous vehicles.

How machine learning helps to build a modern app on AWS to combat financial fraud

Startups know firsthand how better technology can improve the quality of life: From AI/ML allowing scientists to better predict patient health outcomes, to cloud computing driving life-saving innovation, and modern apps enhancing accessibility. is one such startup improving quality of life. They use AWS technology to give customers in the banking and fintech industries a serverless modern application that uses artificial intelligence and machine learning to rapidly identify fraud, leading to more efficient operations and higher customer satisfaction.

How InsightFinder uses AWS solutions to build an AI-driven predictive observability platform

Holding onto your time—to be a spouse, to be a community member, to be an individual—is difficult, particularly in the world of startups. InsightFinder, an artificial intelligence (AI) startup that uses machine learning (ML) to help customers prevent outages in their cloud infrastructure, is on a mission to change that.

Founded by Helen Gu in 2016, InsightFinder uses unsupervised machine learning to make cloud infrastructure more reliable. The company’s AI-driven predictive observability platform helps companies to predict business-impacting incidents as well as pinpoint the root cause of impending incidents to avoid business loss and brand damage.

Women founders Q&A – Learn how they’re impacting their communities, industries, and beyond

Today, we’re talking to six women founders and leaders about how they’re making impacts in their communities, industries, and beyond. Ritu Chakrawarty, founder of Graaphene; Caitlin Colgrove, co-founder and CEO of Hex; Veronica Falzone, co-founder and CEO of Thumbo; Leanne Linsky, founder and CEO of Plauzzable; Anna London, co-founder and CEO of Chrysallis AI; and Barr Moses, co-founder and CEO of Monte Carlo.

How building on AWS made a big pivot possible for syniotec

syniotec’s pivot wasn’t only a transformation on the business side—it also meant a complete overhaul of the technical infrastructure that powered their product. The company’s original rental facilitator idea could have been served by monolith architecture. But as they transformed their business and began offering a far wider variety of services to their customers, syniotec recognized the need to switch to a microservices architecture that could offer greater agility and scalability.

Celebrating Women in Tech with Panzura CEO Jill Stelfox

To celebrate International Women’s Day and Women’s History Month, we’re featuring posts throughout the month that highlight women in technology who are building and creating. Meet Jill Stelfox. Jill is a serial founder and entrepreneur, holds multiple patents, and is the chief executive officer (CEO) and executive chair of Panzura. Panzura’s award-winning CloudFS global file system gives the ability to access files from anywhere with visibility, security, and control.