AWS Startups Blog

Tag: Singapore

Onkolyze: Leveraging ML to Offer Personalized Cancer Treatment

The fight against breast cancer has made progress over the past two decades thanks to advances in treatment and screening. But while mortality rates from the disease have fallen for women over 50, they remain frustratingly steady for younger women. Onkolyze, a startup based in Singapore, is hoping to help solve just that problem by applying high-powered AWS GPUs and ML, making early detection much easier.

STACS: Implementing a Scalable Access Management Solution using Amazon Cognito and API Gateway

Hashstacs Pte Ltd (“STACS”) is a blockchain development company and technological solutions provider for the financial world. STACS enables financial institutions to realize new revenue generating and operational efficiency use cases. Their team walks through how they leveraged Amazon Cognito and Amazon API Gateway to build a fine-grained access management solution.