AWS Storage Blog

Category: Compute

Amazon S3 featured image - new

Optimizing performance of Apache Spark workloads on Amazon S3

This blog covers performance metrics, optimizations, and configuration tuning specific to OSS Spark running on Amazon EKS. For customers using or considering Amazon EMR on EKS, refer to the service documentation to get started and this blog post for the latest performance benchmark. Performance is top of mind for customers running streaming, extract transform load […]

AWS Transfer Family Featured Image

Detect malware threats using AWS Transfer Family

Securely sharing files over SFTP, FTP, and FTPS is a staple within many business-to-business (B2B) workflows. Across industries, companies use file transfer to transmit inventory, invoice, and compliance information. It is critical for companies to make sure that shared files do not have any malicious content that could compromise their systems. Guaranteeing the shared files […]

Amazon FSx for OpenZFS

Configuring the auto-expansion of Amazon FSx for OpenZFS with Amazon CloudWatch and AWS Lambda

Today’s demanding workloads such as database, rendering farm, analytics and ML workloads, have increasingly demanding IO requirements. These workloads need a reliable storage infrastructure that provides sufficient storage capacity, IOPS, and throughput. As customers move more workloads to the cloud, they want to benefit from the agility and performance capabilities of the cloud as their […]

AWS DataSync Featured Image 2020

Migrate on-premises data to AWS for insightful visualizations

When migrating data from on premises, customers seek a data store that is scalable, durable, and cost effective. Equally as important, BI must support modern, interactive, and fast dashboards that can scale to tens of thousands of users seamlessly while providing the ability to create meaningful data visualizations for analysis. Visualization of on-premises business analytics […]

AWS Elastic Disaster Recovery

Deploying AWS Elastic Disaster Recovery at scale with AWS Systems Manager

In the digital era, ensuring business continuity through effective disaster recovery measures is crucial for organizations of all sizes. Setting up disaster recovery solutions manually, such as installing recovery agents on multiple servers, can be a significant and time-consuming task. Therefore, many customers are increasingly seeking automation not only to streamline common administrative tasks but […]

AWS Transfer Family Featured Image

­­Encrypt and decrypt files with PGP and AWS Transfer Family

1/11/2024: Updates made due to CloudShell migration to Amazon Linux 2023 (AL2023). Protecting sensitive data is not a novel idea. Customers in industries like financial services and healthcare regularly exchange files containing sensitive data, including Personal Identifiable Information (PII) and financial records with their users. Pretty Good Privacy (PGP) encryption of these files is often […]

AWS PrivateLink for Amazon S3

Introducing private DNS support for Amazon S3 with AWS PrivateLink

Compliance requirements often mandate private connectivity when on-premises applications use cloud storage. To satisfy these requirements, customers set up private connections to Amazon S3 using AWS PrivateLink over either AWS Direct Connect, or AWS Site-to-Site VPN. As a result, data is transmitted directly to and from AWS, never traversing the public internet. AWS PrivateLink lets […]

Choosing the right storage for cloud native CI/CD on Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service

Building and testing software is a resource-intensive operation that usually involves a fleet of very powerful servers waiting in the wings for build jobs. With the rise of cloud native continuous integration/continuous development (CI/CD) systems on Kubernetes (i.e., Tekton, Jenkins X), we’re seeing a shift from the large (and often over-provisioned) static fleet of build […]

Amazon FSx for NetApp OnTAP

Why S&P Global chose Amazon FSx for NetApp ONTAP to achieve high availability and disaster recovery for SQL Server

Organizations have a requirement to build high availability and disaster recovery (HADR) solutions for their complex SQL Server infrastructure to prevent data loss and protect against corruption. With the rapid pace of cloud adoption, businesses across different industry verticals have realized the value of a successful proof-of-concept for any technical project that migrates existing environments […]

Simplifying Amazon EBS volume migration and modification on Kubernetes using the EBS CSI Driver

Enterprises running critical applications in containers may require access to a persistent storage layer that extends beyond the lifetime of a container instance. A block storage solution such as Amazon Elastic Block Store (Amazon EBS) is a good fit due to its high performance, low latency, and persistence which ensures that data can be re-attached to […]