AWS Storage Blog

Category: Developer Tools

AWS Transfer Family Featured Image

Detect malware threats using AWS Transfer Family

Securely sharing files over SFTP, FTP, and FTPS is a staple within many business-to-business (B2B) workflows. Across industries, companies use file transfer to transmit inventory, invoice, and compliance information. It is critical for companies to make sure that shared files do not have any malicious content that could compromise their systems. Guaranteeing the shared files […]

AWS Transfer Family Featured Image

­­Encrypt and decrypt files with PGP and AWS Transfer Family

1/11/2024: Updates made due to CloudShell migration to Amazon Linux 2023 (AL2023). Protecting sensitive data is not a novel idea. Customers in industries like financial services and healthcare regularly exchange files containing sensitive data, including Personal Identifiable Information (PII) and financial records with their users. Pretty Good Privacy (PGP) encryption of these files is often […]

Amazon S3 featured image - new

Using presigned URLs to identify per-requester usage of Amazon S3

Many software-as-a-service (SaaS) product offerings have a pay-as-you-go pricing model, charging customers only for the resources consumed. However, a pay-as-you-go pricing is only viable when you can accurately track each customer’s use of resources, such as compute capacity, storage, and networking bandwidth. Without this data, SaaS providers do not have visibility into resource consumption of […]

AWS Backup 2021 blog image

Use AWS Backup and CI/CD tools to automate centralized backup across AWS services 

Automating and scaling your data protection and backup strategy helps you reduce manual overhead from time-consuming configuration, minimizes the risk for errors, provides visibility on drift detection, and enhances backup policy compliance across distributed AWS workloads or accounts. Incorporating backup in your disaster recovery (DR) and business continuity plan (BCP), along with the automation of […]

Amazon S3

Allowing external users to securely and directly upload files to Amazon S3

Organizations are often required to store files, images, and other digital assets in a repository. In many cases, the source of these files are partners or individuals who are not connected to internal systems and requires corporate authentication in order to upload the files. Customers traditionally use servers to handle file uploads, which can use […]

How SkyWatch built its satellite imagery solution using AWS Lambda and Amazon EFS

SkyWatch is on a mission to democratize remote sensing data through a simple user experience. Every day, trillions of pixels of Earth observation imagery are captured by satellites orbiting our planet. New applications for this data are developed every week, with demand increasing across many industries. Examples include commercial applications, such as construction, finance, and […]

AWS Backup 2021 blog image

Automate centralized backup at scale across AWS services using AWS Backup

UPDATE 11/11/2021: Updated to improve the user experience in the walkthrough steps. Reliable and consistent backup of cloud data is important to have a secure data archive and restore in the event of data loss. Traditionally, backup administrators used manual backup procedures that were difficult to scale and lowered productivity, with data distributed across multiple […]

AWS Backup 2021 blog image

Delete multiple AWS Backup recovery points using AWS Tools for PowerShell

Backing up data is an essential part of enterprise data protection strategy, whether organizations need to comply with regulations or protect against ransomware attacks. Managing your data backups is equally as important as taking backups of your data. Part of data backup management is preventing stale “backups” (also knows as “recovery points”). Stale backups can […]

AWS Storage Gateway Featured Image

Process AWS Storage Gateway file upload notifications with AWS CDK

For AWS Storage Day 2020, we published a blog discussing how customers use AWS Storage Gateway (specifically, File Gateway) to upload individual files to Amazon S3. For some customers, these files constitute a larger logical set of data that they should group for downstream processing. As mentioned in that blog, before the release of file […]

Amazon S3

Transferring Amazon S3 data from AWS Regions to AWS Regions in China

AWS customers with data located in multiple AWS Regions often ask about moving files from AWS Regions outside of China to the AWS China (Beijing) Region and the AWS China (Ningxia) Region to localize data within China for compliance, data center operations, and data storage requirements. To best serve customers in China and comply with […]