AWS Storage Blog

Category: Advanced (300)

Amazon FSx for NetApp OnTAP

Using Quality of Service in Amazon FSx for NetApp ONTAP

When building file systems in the cloud, one major advantage is that administrators are no longer constrained by the traditional large storage controller. This makes the entry point much lower, which means that they can provision individual file systems for each workload. However, customers may occasionally have to combine workloads into a central file system. […]

AWS Elastic Disaster Recovery

Building a disaster recovery site on AWS for workloads on Microsoft Azure

Some enterprises run their IT operations using a multi-cloud environment, often for compliance, cost, or redundancy reasons. At times, these enterprises may be required to host a copy of their data, or even a full disaster recovery (DR) solution, on another cloud provider to provide an additional layer of protection. In this post, we show […]

Data migration and cost saving at scale with Amazon S3 File Gateway

Migrating data to the cloud requires experience with different data types and the ability to preserve source data structure and metadata attributes. Customers often have on-premises file data stored on traditional file servers, retaining original timestamp of data creation for varying reasons including data lifecycle management. Customers find it challenging to identify a path to […]

Figure 1: Multi-region FSx for NetApp ONTAP with SnapMirror replication for SQL Server DR

On-demand archival and retrieval of documents from Amazon WorkDocs to Amazon S3

Cloud storage of documents has seen rapid growth over the years as more and more customers and businesses move away from traditional physical storage. As the size and number of documents continue to grow, customers want to manage their documents and retain them using long term, durable, cost-effective document archives. Businesses such as medical research […]

Amazon S3 Glacier Storage Classes

Automatically compress and archive satellite imagery for Amazon S3

Satellite imagery often comes as large, high-resolution files, and organizations that work with this data typically have high storage costs. Additionally, large imagery files can take time and resources when downloaded for use with machine learning (ML), data analytics tools, or manual analyst review. Using standard compression techniques lets us achieve reductions in file size […]

Amazon S3 Batch Operations featured image

Large scale migration of encrypted objects in Amazon S3 using S3 Batch Operations

Many organizations have data governance strategies or compliance requirements that mandate their data be replicated and redundant across different management accounts and global regions. Moving encrypted data at scale can often take a few additional steps due to the need to decrypt and re-encrypt objects as part of the replication process. Amazon Simple Storage Service […]

AWS Elastic Disaster Recovery

Protecting domain-joined workloads with AWS Elastic Disaster Recovery

Disaster recovery (DR) solutions for workloads that are domain-joined to Microsoft Active Directory (AD) must take into account the AD requirements of those workloads. A domain-joined workload will expect to find an AD controller to provide keys services like DNS and security related services including user and machine-based authentication. If the AD requirements are not […]

Using AWS Storage Gateway to modernize next-generation sequencing workflows

Exact Sciences operates the laboratories across the world that produce data that is critical to performing analysis and diagnostics to classify cancer modalities, treatments, and therapeutics. The laboratories generate large data sets from on-premises genomic sequencing devices that must be sent to the cloud for processing. Once in the cloud, we process the data to […]

S3 Security

How to audit an Amazon S3 bucket’s default encryption configuration at scale

Encrypting data at rest fulfills compliance and security standards while providing an extra layer of defense to protect against unauthorized access. As organizations scale, it is critical to develop standardize encryption to minimize the administrative burden of managing encryption keys. Organizations that lack encryption standardization may find themselves unable to access critical data when required. […]

AWS Elastic Disaster Recovery

Disaster recovery for VMware Cloud on AWS using AWS Elastic Disaster Recovery

Disasters due to natural calamities, application failures, service failures, human errors, or ransomware cause downtime for business applications as well as data loss and revenue impact. To help prepare for potential outages, companies running VMware on-premises are increasingly incorporating VMware Cloud on AWS (VMC) into their hybrid cloud strategy. Disaster recovery (DR) is also a vital […]