AWS Storage Blog

Category: Advanced (300)

AWS Backup 2021 blog image

AWS Backup anomaly detection for Amazon EBS volumes

Protecting your data from cyberattacks and ransomware is a critical responsibility, and taking the necessary steps to detect anomalous activity at every level within your organization can help you keep your data as safe as possible. Data storage is an important area where you can and should deploy anomaly detection. To protect your storage, in […]

Amazon S3 Multi-Region Access Points

Building an active-active, latency-based application across multiple Regions

Many enterprises are looking to optimize the performance of their applications in order to deliver the best possible experience to their end users. Applications with global user bases are keenly aware of latency, and how high latency and poor performance can negatively affect their users’ experience. With data in one location, like on premises, it […]

AWS Backup 2021 blog image

Cost allocation and tracking for AWS centralized backups

With business growth often comes an increase in data-management operations and costs, including enterprises scaling data backup solutions to adequately serve their organizational requirements. Managing backup costs is critical to overall data-management costs, and backup managers often need granular information on the components that make up their backup bill, like knowing the backup spend for […]

AWS Elastic Disaster Recovery

Building a disaster recovery site on AWS for workloads on Google Cloud (Part 2)

One of the design principles to build reliable workloads is to test your recovery procedures. While this is a challenging task in traditional environments (i.e., on-premises), it’s much easier on the cloud because you can predict how your application fails and simulate a failure. You can then validate how your people, technology, and processes work […]

AWS Elastic Disaster Recovery

Building a disaster recovery site on AWS for workloads on Google Cloud (Part 1)

Having a disaster recovery (DR) strategy is an essential part of business continuity and is an important part of designing your workload for resilience. Resilience means that your application, and its supporting infrastructure, always performs its intended functions correctly and consistently over time. In some cases, customers who host their primary workloads on the cloud […]

Automatic tape deletion with AWS Storage Gateway

Virtual tapes offer a great replacement for cumbersome and expensive physical tapes and are ideal for hybrid workloads looking to take advantage of cloud scale and availability. Virtual tapes can already be less costly than physical tapes and offer more flexibility, less overhead, and better security, but you can save even more money through proper […]

AWS Transfer Family Featured Image

Transferring files securely at the Foxtel Group using AWS Transfer Family and Amazon EFS

The Foxtel Group is Australia’s leading, next-generation subscription television company providing movies, entertainment, lifestyle, documentaries, news, and live sports through a range of streaming and broadcast services to over four million subscribers. Enterprises such as the Foxtel Group rely upon secure file transfer solutions for the timely and secure transfer of data between themselves and […]

Amazon S3 Glacier Storage Classes

Restore data from Amazon S3 Glacier storage classes starting with partial object keys

When managing data storage, it is important to optimize for cost by storing data in the most cost-effective manner based on how often data is used or accessed. For many enterprises, this means using some form of cold storage or archiving for data that is less frequently accessed or used while keeping more frequently used […]

AWS Backup 2021 blog image

Protecting encrypted Amazon RDS instances with cross-account and cross-Region backups

Organizations are looking for solutions to protect their valuable data against ransomware attacks, natural disasters, and operational errors. Many of these organizations operate in regulated industries and must maintain data long-term to meet compliance obligations and business continuity goals. In AWS, customers can accomplish these goals by backing up mission-critical databases into centralized backup storage […]

Amazon EBS

Addressing I/O latency when restoring Amazon EBS volumes from EBS Snapshots

From a storage volume perspective, latency is the time elapsed between sending an I/O request to a volume and receiving an acknowledgement from the volume that the I/O read or write is complete. Latency is a key measurement for applications which are sensitive to the round trip time (RTT) of I/O operation. An example of […]