AWS Storage Blog

Category: Foundational (100)

S3 Security

Protecting data with Amazon S3 Object Lock

Update (12/11/2023): As of November 20, 2023, Amazon S3 supports enabling S3 Object Lock on existing buckets. Amazon S3 Object Lock is an Amazon S3 feature that allows you to store objects using a write once, read many (WORM) model. You can use WORM protection for scenarios where it is imperative that data is not […]

New on the Machine Learning blog: Speed up training on Amazon SageMaker using Amazon FSx for Lustre and Amazon EFS file systems

Deploying analytics applications and machine learning models requires storage that can scale in capacity and performance to handle workload demands with high throughput and low-latency file operations. A common use case we’re seeing centers around data science teams doing some form of analytics (e.g machine learning, genomics). AWS offers two scalable, durable, highly available file […]

AWS Loft

Free AWS Loft Events: Attend “AWS Storage Days” in San Francisco or NYC

As we gear up for AWS re:Invent 2019 December 2 – 6, we want to ensure you are up to speed on the full portfolio of AWS storage services. In San Francisco September 10 – 11 and in NYC September 24- 25, we will be conducting ‘AWS Storage Days’ at the AWS Loft locations. These […]

S3 Security

Register and attend the webinar: Best practices for Amazon S3 Security with S3 Access Management tools and S3 Block Public Access

Update (4/27/2023): Amazon S3 now automatically enables S3 Block Public Access and disables S3 access control lists (ACLs) for all new S3 buckets in all AWS Regions. Register now to join us for an online AWS Tech Talk to cover S3 security best practices on August 26 from 1:oopm to 2:00pm PT. This is a level 300 […]


New on the Database Blog: Storing SQL Server Backups in Amazon S3 Using AWS Storage Gateway

Over on the AWS Database Blog, there was a recent blog post focused on Storing SQL Server backups in Amazon S3 using AWS Storage Gateway that is helpful for our customers who manage storage environments as well. Many SQL Server database administrators and infrastructure teams write their database backups to file shares on Network Attached Storage […]

New on the APN Blog: Storing and Sharing Files with Amazon FSx in a VMware Cloud on AWS Environment

On the AWS Partner Network (APN) blog there is a very informative new post showing you how to deploy a fully managed, shared Windows file system with Amazon FSx for Windows File Server and mount it to your virtual machines (VMs) by using VMware Cloud on AWS. Amazon FSx for Windows File Server provides a fully managed […]

New – Amazon S3 Batch Operations

We recently announced that Amazon S3 Batch Operations is generally available. S3 Batch Operations is a new feature that makes it simple for customers to manage billions of objects stored in Amazon S3, with a single API request or a few clicks in the S3 Management Console. Now, all AWS customers can make changes to object […]

New on Jeff Barr’s Blog: Amazon S3 Path Deprecation Plan – The Rest of the Story

I wanted to be sure you saw Jeff Barr’s latest blog on the Amazon S3 Path Deprecation Plan. A snippet is below, but I encourage you to visit his blog to read the full post. From Jeff: Last week we made a fairly quiet (too quiet, in fact) announcement of our plan to slowly and […]

Don’t Miss our May Storage Tech Talks! Featuring Amazon S3 and Hybrid Cloud Storage and Edge Computing

This month we have two storage tech talks for you to attend and dive deep on the newly launched Amazon S3 Batch Operations (read the Jeff Barr blog post) and AWS Hybrid Cloud Storage and Edge Computing (read the storage blog post). Managing tens to billions of objects at scale with S3 Batch Operations – […]

Expanding AWS Hybrid Cloud Capabilities with Block Storage on Snowball Edge

Enterprises have been using AWS as the cloud portion of their hybrid architectures since AWS was born thirteen years ago, and we have built out the broadest and deepest set of hybrid architecture functionality to extend AWS services to on-premises and edge locations. Today, we reached another milestone with the launch of block storage on […]