AWS Storage Blog

Category: Foundational (100)

Online Tech Talk April 23: Persistent storage for containers with Amazon EFS

Don’t miss our AWS Online Storage Tech Talk on April 23, where an AWS expert covers persistent storage for containers using Amazon EFS. This Tech Talk is at 9:00 AM – 10:00 AM PT (12:00 PM – 1:00 PM ET). Building containerized applications at-scale requires data storage solutions that are highly accessible and enables high-performance […]

Amazon EFS Featured Image

Deploying SaaS applications faster at lower cost with Amazon EFS

We’ve heard from independent software vendor (ISV) customers that there are multiple decisions they must consider in deploying their SaaS applications. These considerations range from Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) to impact on operations and agility. In addition, they have mentioned they must also address security, auditability, high availability, and data protection, which can all […]

Amazon S3

ShootProof boosts photo upload speeds with Amazon S3 Transfer Acceleration

ShootProof provides easy online tools that help photographers share their work, sell their work, and grow their businesses. While we’re based in Atlanta, we’re proud to be available ‘wherever you are’ for our photographer customers. Every month, we serve tens of thousands of photographers, and today our clients can be found in 38 countries. ShootProof […]

AWS DataSync Featured Image

Protect your file and backup archives using AWS DataSync and Amazon S3 Glacier

As the amount of data being generated on-premises continues to grow, so does the demand for more storage to house file and backup archives. If you follow common backup methodologies and have multiple backups in different locations, then you likely have a lot of cold data sitting on-premises in disk storage or in physical tape […]

Amazon S3

Teespring controls its legacy data using Amazon S3

Do you know exactly what’s in all of your Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) buckets? Do all of your objects have the correct set of object tags applied? Have you set up lifecycle rules to ensure your current and future objects are managed automatically for you? If you answered “yes” to all of the […]

Online Tech Talk March 24: Move to managed Windows file storage

Don’t miss our AWS Online Storage Tech Talk on March 24, where we cover migrating to managed Windows file storage. This Tech Talk is at 11:00 AM – 12:00 AM PT (2:00 PM – 3:00 PM ET). Companies running legacy workloads on Network Attached Storage (NAS) hardware are often burdened with complex management, difficulty in scaling, […]

AWS Snowball device update – evolving at the edge

Since 2015, customers have used the AWS Snowball service to migrate large quantities of data to the AWS Cloud. Over time, the service has evolved and introduced new capabilities, including AWS Snowball Edge devices that feature on-board computing and increased storage capacity. The AWS Snow family continues to innovate to meet our customer’s needs. This includes […]

Good news for Amazon FSx and Amazon EBS customers: AWS Local Zones

There were many announcements and feature launches at AWS re:Invent 2019. One of the announcements with forthcoming possibilities for AWS Storage users was on AWS Local Zones. For now, this news is especially pertinent to Amazon FSx and Amazon Elastic Block Store (Amazon EBS) customers running high performance applications near Los Angeles. As a new […]

Welcome to the final day of AWS re:Invent 2019

UPDATE: The AWS re:Invent links in this post are outdated. Please visit the AWS Events channel on YouTube for a complete on-demand playlist of AWS Storage sessions at AWS re:Invent 2019. Please double-check the AWS re:Invent event catalog to confirm the date, time, and venue for your session. Remember, this is not an exhaustive list! Check out […]