AWS Storage Blog

Tag: Amazon Athena

AWS DataSync Featured Image 2020

Migrate on-premises data to AWS for insightful visualizations

When migrating data from on premises, customers seek a data store that is scalable, durable, and cost effective. Equally as important, BI must support modern, interactive, and fast dashboards that can scale to tens of thousands of users seamlessly while providing the ability to create meaningful data visualizations for analysis. Visualization of on-premises business analytics […]

S3 Security

Disabling ACLs for existing Amazon S3 workloads with information in S3 server access logs and AWS CloudTrail

Access control lists (ACLs) are permission sets that define user access, and the operations users can take on specific resources. Amazon S3 was launched in 2006 with ACLs as its first authorization mechanism. Since 2011, Amazon S3 has also supported AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) policies for managing access to S3 buckets, and recommends using […]

Amazon S3 featured image - new

Using presigned URLs to identify per-requester usage of Amazon S3

Many software-as-a-service (SaaS) product offerings have a pay-as-you-go pricing model, charging customers only for the resources consumed. However, a pay-as-you-go pricing is only viable when you can accurately track each customer’s use of resources, such as compute capacity, storage, and networking bandwidth. Without this data, SaaS providers do not have visibility into resource consumption of […]

Amazon S3 Glacier Storage Classes

Restore data from Amazon S3 Glacier storage classes starting with partial object keys

When managing data storage, it is important to optimize for cost by storing data in the most cost-effective manner based on how often data is used or accessed. For many enterprises, this means using some form of cold storage or archiving for data that is less frequently accessed or used while keeping more frequently used […]

S3 cost optimization

Optimize storage costs by analyzing API operations on Amazon S3

The demand for data storage has increased with the advent of a fast-paced data environment – creating, sharing, and replicating data at a large scale. Most organizations are looking for the optimal way to store their data cost-effectively, giving them everything they need from their data but without breaking the bank. Cloud storage provides flexible […]

S3 Security

How Simon Data reduced encryption costs by using Amazon S3 Bucket Keys on existing objects

As more organizations look to operate faster and at scale, they need ways to meet critical compliance requirements and improve data security. Encryption is a critical component of a defense in depth strategy, and when used correctly, can provide an additional layer of protection above basic access control. However, workloads that access millions or billions […]

Amazon S3

Manage and analyze your data at scale using Amazon S3 Inventory and Amazon Athena

Object storage gives you virtually unlimited scale, which helps you grow your business without being concerned with managing the infrastructure to support your data. Managing millions to billions of objects in Amazon S3 can be difficult, inefficient, and time consuming if you don’t take steps to automate the management of this data at scale. Data […]

Visualizing usage of Provisioned IOPS volumes on Amazon EBS for analysis

Organizations are always looking to right-size cloud infrastructure and optimize to cost. Historically, one of the areas where it has been difficult to right-size at scale are Provisioned IOPS volumes on Amazon EBS, as optimization usually required third-party tools. The recently announced AWS Compute Optimizer assists in solving that problem, as it helps customers optimize compute resources […]

Amazon S3

Building a central asset register with Amazon S3 Inventory

UPDATE 7/12/2022: Amazon SQS policy updated to support every AWS Region (step 3 in the architecture diagram) in the central.yml template. Many AWS customers store millions of objects in their Amazon S3 buckets, due to the scalability, durability, and performance that S3 provides. Customers compelled to build an information asset register for compliance reasons or […]

Amazon S3

Query Amazon S3 Analytics data with Amazon Athena

I recently had a customer explain that they were aware of the benefits of various Amazon S3 storage classes, like S3 Standard, S3 Infrequent-Access, and S3 One-Zone Infrequent-Access, but they were not sure which tiers and lifecycle rules to apply to optimize their storage. This customer, and others like them, have multiple buckets and various […]