AWS Storage Blog

Tag: Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (Amazon EKS)

Amazon S3 featured image 2023

Siemens builds Datalake2Go on AWS to analyze disparate data globally

Siemens is a technology company focused on industry, infrastructure, transport, and healthcare. From resource-efficient factories, resilient supply chains, and smart buildings and grids, to cleaner and more comfortable transportation and advanced healthcare, the company creates technology with purpose, adding real value for its customers. Siemens technology is everywhere, supporting the critical infrastructure and vital industries […]

Optimizing enterprise MLOps in the cloud with Domino Data Lab and Amazon Elastic File System

Domino Data Lab is an AWS Partner Network (APN) partner that provides a central system of record for data science activity across an organization. The Domino solution delivers orchestration for all data science artifacts, including AWS infrastructure, data and services. As part of the solution, Domino’s platform leverages the scale, security, reliability, and cost-effectiveness of […]

Improve compute utilization with more Amazon EBS volume attachments on 7th generation Amazon EC2 instances

For many stateful containerized applications, such as those using Kubernetes orchestration, each stateful pod (the smallest deployable container object) may require dedicated persistent storage. A block storage solution is a good fit due to its high performance, low latency, and persistence attributes. If a compute instance has more compute resources to spare, you can only […]

Amazon S3 featured image - new

Optimizing performance of Apache Spark workloads on Amazon S3

This blog covers performance metrics, optimizations, and configuration tuning specific to OSS Spark running on Amazon EKS. For customers using or considering Amazon EMR on EKS, refer to the service documentation to get started and this blog post for the latest performance benchmark. Performance is top of mind for customers running streaming, extract transform load […]

Choosing the right storage for cloud native CI/CD on Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service

Building and testing software is a resource-intensive operation that usually involves a fleet of very powerful servers waiting in the wings for build jobs. With the rise of cloud native continuous integration/continuous development (CI/CD) systems on Kubernetes (i.e., Tekton, Jenkins X), we’re seeing a shift from the large (and often over-provisioned) static fleet of build […]

Simplifying Amazon EBS volume migration and modification on Kubernetes using the EBS CSI Driver

Enterprises running critical applications in containers may require access to a persistent storage layer that extends beyond the lifetime of a container instance. A block storage solution such as Amazon Elastic Block Store (Amazon EBS) is a good fit due to its high performance, low latency, and persistence which ensures that data can be re-attached to […]


Run containerized applications efficiently using Amazon FSx for NetApp ONTAP and Amazon EKS

Kubernetes is a scalable system that offers rapid and easy containerized application deployments for both stateless and long-running, stateful applications. Many Kubernetes applications require a storage system that integrates with the Kubernetes Container Storage Interface (CSI) to create file and block volumes, scale storage, take snapshots, and create clones. Amazon FSx for NetApp ONTAP supports […]

High-performance cloud storage comes of age with Amazon FSx for Lustre

The rapid maturation of cloud tools for high-performance workloads in the past several years has made it possible for household names like T-Mobile, Toyota, and Rivian to move their high-performance analytics and AI/ML environments to the cloud. These are hugely data-intensive workflows that many companies five years ago believed would never be able to be […]

A gene-editing prediction engine with iterative learning cycles built on AWS

NRGene develops cutting-edge genomic analytics products that are reshaping agriculture worldwide. Among our customers are some of the biggest and most sophisticated companies in seed-development, food and beverages, paper, rubber, cannabis, and more. In the middle of 2020, NRGene joined a consortium of companies and academic institutions to build the best-in-class gene-editing prediction platform to […]

Running WordPress on Amazon EKS with Amazon EFS Intelligent-tiering

A large percentage of websites today rely on Content Management Systems (CMS) which provide content creators, who may have little to no experience in web development, with the ability to easily publish their content to a website for distribution to their end users. By far, the most popular CMS platform today is WordPress. More developers […]