AWS Storage Blog

Tag: AWS Backup

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Preserving last-modified timestamps when restoring Amazon S3 objects with AWS Backup

Customers operating in highly regulated industries are usually subject to rules mandating that data integrity be maintained and available throughout its entire lifetime. To meet integrity requirements, data must be restorable along with any associated audit trail and metadata information, such as object creation dates, last modified timestamps, and tags. When restoring backups of Amazon […]

Amazon S3 Glacier Storage Classes

How to restore archived Amazon EC2 backup recovery points from the Amazon S3 Glacier storage classes

This is the second post in a two-part series. In part one, we described a process to automatically archive Amazon EC2 backup recovery points from AWS Backup to an Amazon S3 bucket in one of the Amazon S3 Glacier storage classes. In this post, we describe the process to restore an archived EC2 backup recovery point from […]

Amazon S3 Glacier Storage Classes

How to archive Amazon EC2 backup recovery points to Amazon S3 Glacier storage classes

Centralizing and automating data protection helps you support your business continuity and regulatory compliance goals. Centralized data protection and enhanced visibility across backup operations can reduce the risks of disasters, improve business continuity, and simplify the auditing process. Many organizations have requirements to retain backups of their compute instances for a certain time based on […]

AWS Backup 2021 blog image

Automating AWS Backup pre- and post-script execution with AWS Step Functions

Customers execute custom scripts before or after a backup job to automate and orchestrate required and repetitive tasks. For example, customers running applications hosted in Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) instances use scripts to complete application transactions, flush the buffers and caches, stop file I/O operations, or ensure that the application is idle, bringing the […]

AWS Backup 2021 blog image

Troubleshooting automated pre- and post-scripts for AWS Backup

Customers can use event-driven architectures with decoupled tasks to automate and orchestrate custom scripts for backup jobs. With event-driven architectures, troubleshooting is key to understanding failures at the component levels in order to resolve issues that arise and keep the entire automated workflow running smoothly. In the first post in this two-part blog series, we […]

AWS Backup 2021 blog image

Automate backups for AWS Amplify GraphQL backends with AWS Backup

Modern cloud based mobile and web applications require a rich set of functional features as well as non-functional features to support operations, for example database backups and restore jobs. IT leaders and developers are looking for simplified ways of building these cloud based applications and adding features to them. Organizations that prioritize agility when building […]

AWS Backup 2021 blog image

Creating compliance insights across Regions and accounts with AWS Backup Audit Manager reports

Customers use AWS Backup Audit Manager to automate continuous monitoring of backup activities such as changes to a backup plan or backup vault and generate daily reports. AWS Backup Audit Manager also provides auditing and reporting of data protection compliance across your backup estate. Previously, these compliance and backup activity reports were generated in and […]

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Data preservation with AWS Backup legal holds

Customers globally, especially in regulated industries, require centralized protection and demonstrable compliance for their application data. Auditors often require customers such as broker-dealers, securities exchanges, and stock brokerage firms, to prove compliance with SEC, FINRA, and CFTC requirements by providing an assessment report from an industry-recognized entity with additional disclosure that they have capabilities to […]

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Delegated administrator support for AWS Backup

[Update: 12/13/2022 – Under Step 2. Delegate backup policy in AWS Organizations console, the JSON policy paragraph and sample JSON policy were updated.] Until today, backup administrators had to use the AWS Organizations management account to administer backup policies and monitor cross-account backup activities. However, the use of the AWS Organizations management account should only […]

AWS Backup 2021 blog image

Use AWS Backup and CI/CD tools to automate centralized backup across AWS services 

Automating and scaling your data protection and backup strategy helps you reduce manual overhead from time-consuming configuration, minimizes the risk for errors, provides visibility on drift detection, and enhances backup policy compliance across distributed AWS workloads or accounts. Incorporating backup in your disaster recovery (DR) and business continuity plan (BCP), along with the automation of […]