AWS Storage Blog

Tag: AWS Elastic Disaster Recovery (DRS)

AWS Elastic Disaster Recovery

Private cross-Region disaster recovery with AWS Elastic Disaster Recovery

Editor’s note: Before reading about cross-Region disaster recovery using private connectivity in this blog, learn how to install an AWS DRS agent in a secured network in this blog. Update 5/7/2024: Steps for creating a security group that allows port 443 from the source VPC added to section “2. Establish private connectivity” and steps for […]

AWS Elastic Disaster Recovery

Accelerating recovery during restarts for SAP HANA using AWS Elastic Disaster Recovery

Update (12/12/2022): Depending on your specific RTO and RPO requirements, we recommend evaluating the use of Elastic Disaster Recovery along with database native replication methods, such as SAP HANA System Replication (HSR) for SAP HANA. Disasters due to natural calamities, application failures, human errors, or ransomware cause not only downtime for business applications, but also […]

AWS Elastic Disaster Recovery

Automating disaster recovery of Amazon RDS and Amazon EC2 instances

Complex environments can sometimes feel like they require complex disaster recovery (DR) solutions, which usually consist of multiple DR offerings from different vendors that may not interact with each other. There are many ways to build a DR solution in the cloud. Luckily, with AWS, you can easily configure multiple DR services and orchestrate them […]

AWS Elastic Disaster Recovery

Managing AWS Elastic Disaster Recovery launch templates at scale

It’s important to have a disaster recovery (DR) plan in place that helps operations continue in the event of a natural, physical, or technology-based disaster. To increase the chances of success in the case of an outage event, recovery should be repeatable, scalable, and tested often. Without the proper tools in place, setting up such […]

AWS Elastic Disaster Recovery

Cross-Region AWS Elastic Disaster Recovery agent installation in a secured network

Installing a service agent on a server is a straight-forward process in a normal setup. Most agents require an internet connection to connect to the service. However, there are some environments that are tightly secured. Servers in these environments don’t have internet access at all. Installing a service agent in these environments can be a […]

AWS Elastic Disaster Recovery

Tracking AWS Elastic Disaster Recovery costs with AWS Cost Explorer and cost allocation tags

Organizing, forecasting, and understanding the costs of your disaster recovery (DR) solution is an important part of DR cost optimization and management. Without a breakdown of resource costs, these tasks can be challenging. Allocating tags to resources is a useful strategy to identify and group resources for cost estimation. However, this manual effort becomes more […]

AWS Elastic Disaster Recovery

Optimize costs and speed up replication with AWS Elastic Disaster Recovery

Maintaining application and data resilience can often be challenging. There is an ever-evolving risk landscape that includes ransomware attacks, natural disasters, user error, hardware faults, and more. Organizations understandably have a strong desire to ensure they can recover within appropriate timescales from an unforeseen disaster event that impacts their systems. In such cases, organizations seek […]

AWS Elastic Disaster Recovery

Ensure workload resilience with AWS Elastic Disaster Recovery and Arpio

Planning for disaster recovery (DR) is a critical component of any IT operations practice. Applications that run on AWS benefit from the reliability that is built into the platform. However, they can still be impacted by from natural disasters, technical failures, and accidental or malicious human actions. Consequently, implementing best practices around disaster recovery is […]

AWS Elastic Disaster Recovery

Building a disaster recovery site on AWS for workloads on Google Cloud (Part 2)

One of the design principles to build reliable workloads is to test your recovery procedures. While this is a challenging task in traditional environments (i.e., on-premises), it’s much easier on the cloud because you can predict how your application fails and simulate a failure. You can then validate how your people, technology, and processes work […]

AWS Elastic Disaster Recovery

Building a disaster recovery site on AWS for workloads on Google Cloud (Part 1)

Having a disaster recovery (DR) strategy is an essential part of business continuity and is an important part of designing your workload for resilience. Resilience means that your application, and its supporting infrastructure, always performs its intended functions correctly and consistently over time. In some cases, customers who host their primary workloads on the cloud […]