AWS Storage Blog

Tag: AWS File Gateway

Monitoring AWS Storage Gateway health and performance using Amazon CloudWatch

When managing a hybrid-cloud infrastructure, monitoring system health is essential for maintaining business continuity. Setting up comprehensive monitoring provides visibility into performance and availability of infrastructure components. By establishing alert thresholds and promptly responding to alarms, administrators can identify degraded performance or outages early. Quickly diagnosing and fixing the issues maximizes uptime. AWS Storage Gateway, […]

Automate Amazon S3 File Gateway on Amazon EC2 with Terraform by HashiCorp

Infrastructure as Code (IaC) involves managing IT infrastructure through code and automation tools to reduce manual management prone to errors, slow scaling, and overhead. For organizations implementing a hybrid cloud infrastructure, automation can ensure uniformity, scalability, and cost reduction while getting cloud resources provisioned efficiently. Automated provisioning and configuration enable organizations to adapt, innovate, and […]

Data migration and cost saving at scale with Amazon S3 File Gateway

Migrating data to the cloud requires experience with different data types and the ability to preserve source data structure and metadata attributes. Customers often have on-premises file data stored on traditional file servers, retaining original timestamp of data creation for varying reasons including data lifecycle management. Customers find it challenging to identify a path to […]

Using AWS Storage Gateway to modernize next-generation sequencing workflows

Exact Sciences operates the laboratories across the world that produce data that is critical to performing analysis and diagnostics to classify cancer modalities, treatments, and therapeutics. The laboratories generate large data sets from on-premises genomic sequencing devices that must be sent to the cloud for processing. Once in the cloud, we process the data to […]


Automate Amazon S3 File Gateway deployments in VMware with Terraform by HashiCorp

Many customers have adopted an Infrastructure as Code (IaC) process within their organization to streamline and optimize provisioning infrastructure. Without an IaC practice in place, it becomes increasingly difficult to manage the scale of today’s infrastructure. IaC can help your organization manage IT infrastructure needs while also improving consistency and reducing errors and manual configuration. […]

How to create SMB file shares with AWS Storage Gateway using Hyper-V

Businesses across different industries can face several challenges when managing their storage, including new redundancy requirements across locations, hardware renewals, and maximum capacity limits. To purchase additional hardware, companies typically have to take an investment that involves capacity planning for the next three to five years, as well as a potentially lengthy procurement process for […]

Mounting Amazon S3 to an Amazon EC2 instance using a private connection to S3 File Gateway

Customers rehosting applications in the cloud that deal with large files and unstructured data can benefit by utilizing object storage from a performance, scalability, and cost perspective, as compared to block or file storage. If a legacy or COTS (commercial-off-the-shelf) application being migrated doesn’t inherently support object storage services like Amazon S3, it may be […]

Integrate an SAP ASE database to Amazon S3 using AWS Storage Gateway

Customers running workloads on an SAP Adaptive Server Enterprise (ASE) database (previously known as Sybase ASE) regularly take database backups to meet their disaster recovery (DR) and data protection compliance. Critical workloads often require a longer database backup retention period due to regulatory requirements. Storing these database backup files on-premises involves higher capacity, increased cost, […]

Amazon S3 Glacier Storage Classes

Collecting, archiving, and retrieving surveillance footage with AWS

Video feeds and still images from judiciary locations are considered critical forms of evidence in the court of law. These locations can be police stations and government offices or even civil locations of importance like banks and hospitals. As governments, particularly in smart cities rely upon video surveillance, it is critical to design a cost […]

AWS Storage Gateway in 2021 – Year in Review

It has become customary for us to share with our customers the new AWS Storage Gateway enhancements every year. As we did in 2020 and 2019, through this blog I’m reviewing all the new Storage Gateway launches from 2021. I’ll cover how the new enhancements make it easier for customers to access AWS Storage from […]