AWS Storage Blog

Tag: AWS Step Functions

AWS DataSync Featured Image 2020

How London Stock Exchange Group migrated 30 PB of market data using AWS DataSync

London Stock Exchange Group (LSEG) has 30 PB of Tick History-PCAP data, which is ultra-high-quality global market data that is based on raw exchange data, timestamped to the nanosecond. An additional 60 TB is generated every day. LSEG sought to migrate their data from Wasabi cloud storage, LSEG was looking for a new solution to […]

Amazon S3 featured image 2023

Optimizing storage costs and query performance by compacting small objects

Applications produce log files that should be reliably stored for ad-hoc reporting, compliance, or auditing purposes. Over time, these collections of relatively small log files grow in volume and cost-effective storage and data management becomes crucial. Accessing the data in these files and querying them can also be useful for getting insight from the data. […]

AWS Backup 2021 blog image

Automating AWS Backup pre- and post-script execution with AWS Step Functions

Customers execute custom scripts before or after a backup job to automate and orchestrate required and repetitive tasks. For example, customers running applications hosted in Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) instances use scripts to complete application transactions, flush the buffers and caches, stop file I/O operations, or ensure that the application is idle, bringing the […]

AWS Backup 2021 blog image

Troubleshooting automated pre- and post-scripts for AWS Backup

Customers can use event-driven architectures with decoupled tasks to automate and orchestrate custom scripts for backup jobs. With event-driven architectures, troubleshooting is key to understanding failures at the component levels in order to resolve issues that arise and keep the entire automated workflow running smoothly. In the first post in this two-part blog series, we […]

AWS Elastic Disaster Recovery

Automating disaster recovery of Amazon RDS and Amazon EC2 instances

Complex environments can sometimes feel like they require complex disaster recovery (DR) solutions, which usually consist of multiple DR offerings from different vendors that may not interact with each other. There are many ways to build a DR solution in the cloud. Luckily, with AWS, you can easily configure multiple DR services and orchestrate them […]

Amazon EFS serverless featured image

Analytical processing of millions of cell images using Amazon EFS and Amazon S3

Analytical workloads such as batch processing, high performance computing, or machine learning inference often have high IOPS and low latency requirements but operate at irregular intervals on subsets of large datasets. Typically, data is manually copied between storage tiers in preparation of processing, which can be cumbersome and error-prone. Given this, IT teams want to […]

AWS Elastic Disaster Recovery

Creating a scalable disaster recovery plan with AWS Elastic Disaster Recovery

IT disruptions can occur for many reasons, including human error, weather, or a cyber attack. Enterprises need to have a solution in place that will get them up and running quickly with minimal downtime. When orchestrating disaster recovery at scale, it is important to automate recovery plans as much as possible. This allows for a […]

Automating Amazon EBS volume resizing with AWS Step Functions and AWS Systems Manager

In active applications, it’s possible for an Amazon EC2 instance’s Amazon EBS volume utilization to reach provisioned capacity. Depending on the application in use, this creates the risk of a customer-impacting application outage when that provisioned capacity is exhausted. One solution is to design a failover mechanism into the application. However, this can be a […]