AWS Storage Blog

Tag: High-Performance Computing (HPC)

Best practices for monitoring Amazon FSx for Lustre clients and file systems

Lustre is a high-performance parallel file system commonly used in workloads requiring throughput up to hundreds of GB/s and sub-millisecond per-operation latencies, such as machine learning (ML), high performance computing (HPC), video processing, and financial modelling. Amazon FSx for Lustre provides fully managed shared storage with the scalability and performance of the popular Lustre file […]

High-performance cloud storage comes of age with Amazon FSx for Lustre

The rapid maturation of cloud tools for high-performance workloads in the past several years has made it possible for household names like T-Mobile, Toyota, and Rivian to move their high-performance analytics and AI/ML environments to the cloud. These are hugely data-intensive workflows that many companies five years ago believed would never be able to be […]

Building an HPC cluster with AWS ParallelCluster and Amazon FSx for Lustre

High performance computing (HPC) customers love the breadth of services offered by AWS and the flexibility offered by the cloud to address their computational challenges. AWS provides you with the opportunity to innovate quickly and accelerate your workflow thanks to a virtually unlimited capacity. For more information, see the following posts: Natural language processing at Clemson […]