Amazon Supply Chain and Logistics

Category: Amazon DynamoDB

AWS Simulation and Digital Twin to increase warehouse productivity

AWS customers can now leverage Amazon solutions to design more efficient Fulfillment Centers This blog describes the processes and technology by which Amazon approaches new fulfillment center design, and how AWS is now externalizing this solution to customers through a new professional services offering called Warehouse Automation and Optimization (WAO). Warehousing is a critical, yet […]

Squiirrel connects the tree seed supply chain to regrow a sustainable world

Forests effectively combat global warming as massive carbon sinks that absorb more carbon dioxide from the atmosphere than it releases, making them one of the most effective and low-cost strategies to combat global warming. However, the impacts of climate change are beginning to outpace the ability of forests to regenerate naturally. Projections from the Ecological […]

Dynamic pricing for logistics service providers to maximize profitability

Revenue management is an important business capability in the transportation and logistics industry. Key components of revenue management involve contract pricing, spot or dynamic pricing, and yield management to maximize profitability and optimize transport allocation. This post focuses on dynamic pricing of freight and shipments for spot buying. The global freight market that combines trucking, […]