AWS Training and Certification Blog

Category: Amazon SageMaker JumpStart

New courses and certification updates from AWS Training and Certification in September 2023

This month we launched 16 digital training products on AWS Skill Builder, including six AWS Builder Labs—two of which focus on skills development for generative AI—and two new AWS Jam Journeys focused on security challenges from AWS re:Inforce 2023. We have a new AWS Certification exam, currently in beta: AWS Certified Data Engineer – Associate. For new-to-cloud learners, ages 18+, dive into a new six-course series to help you build professional skills. Plus, take advantage of the 7-day free trial of AWS Skill Builder Individual subscription.

Learn to build, train, and iterate machine learning models faster with new AWS course

For experienced data scientists working with disparate data science tools, Amazon SageMaker Studio provides an integrated set of ML tools in a single interface. Our new three-day, advanced-level, virtual classroom course, Amazon SageMaker Studio for Data Scientists, will help you develop the skills to increase productivity at every stage of the ML lifecycle using SageMaker Studio.