AWS Training and Certification Blog

Category: Enterprise Strategy

Accelerate your cloud transformation with a tailored workforce upskilling strategy

If your organization is investing in cloud, providing employees with the necessary knowledge and skills can drive increased efficiency, productivity, and competitiveness. By conducting an LNA and developing a targeted training plan, you can ensure your investments are driving maximum value for your business.

Study by Gallup and AWS shows digital skills drive economic growth across APAC

As information technology continues to transform our lives and work at an individual, organizational, and macroeconomic level, Gallup, in collaboration with Amazon Web Services (AWS), has conducted the largest global survey of its type to shed light on the tremendous economic, innovation, and career benefits of investing in advanced digital skills. Learn more about impact of digital skills on individuals, organizations, and the global economy.

New courses and updates from AWS Training and Certification in February 2023

In February 2023, AWS Training and Certification released 16 new self-paced courses for learners on AWS Skill Builder, including AWS Jam Journey: DevOps, three new AWS Builder Labs, and four new training courses for AWS Partners. For leaders at customer and partner organizations, AWS Skill Builder Team subscription is available in four new countries and features new Administrator reporting.

BMO Financial Group: Building a cloud talent pool in Indigenous communities

Learn how BMO Financial Group utilized AWS Skills Guild to train its employees, and then partnered with PLATO to provide cloud workforce development training focused on building a fresh pipeline of talent within Canada’s Indigenous communities with the AWS re/Start program.

How to boost revenue and operational efficiencies with AWS Partner Training

To keep pace with customer expectations, AWS Partners must reimagine their global workforce development strategy. Learn about the quantitative and qualitative value AWS Partners gain from AWS Partner Training. The Total Economic Impact™ (TEI) of AWS Partner Training and Certification study, commissioned by AWS and conducted by Forrester Consulting, examines the revenue stream, operational efficiencies, and customer and employee experience attribute to training and certification.

Training using AWS Skill Builder: an inside look at Cisco’s cloud skilling

Learn how Cisco continues to invest in building its employees’ cloud expertise in order to keep delivering cloud solutions that meet its customers’ changing needs. With AWS Training and Certification, Cisco has built an agile training program with AWS Skill Builder for teams that meets its diverse learning needs at scale.

The fastest growing job skills for 2023: 3 takeaways

Which skills will keep your workforce competitive? What types of professional development do you need to keep up with rapidly evolving technology, macro-economic trends, and organizational strategies? Coursera, an AWS Training Partner, has released the 2023 edition of The Job Skills Report revealing insights that guide answers to these pressing questions.

Cloudreach’s Talent Academy embraces diverse talent

In October of 2021, Cloudreach, a leading cloud consultancy and AWS Partner with a global footprint, began an ambitious and inclusive training program. With a robust internal AWS Training program in place, Cloudreach is experienced in turning conventional technologists into cloud specialists. This program was different, though. The aim of Cloudreach’s Talent Academy was to take people with little to no technical background and, within two years, transform them into fully fledged cloud developers.

How the AWS Storage Data Migration learning plan helped a Sr. Solutions Architect and AWS Instructor refresh his skills

During AWS Storage Day 2022, the AWS Storage team announced three new digital learning badges by AWS Training and Certification on AWS Skill Builder, including the AWS Learning: Data Migration badge. This badge, which is associated with the Storage Learning Plan: Data Migration, demonstrates an individual’s knowledge of AWS Storage services for creating, managing, and architecting highly available storage solutions. Learn more about building your data migration skills with this learning plan in order to earn the latest digital badge.

Prioritizing People: 4 Strategies that Make or Break Cloud Migrations and Beyond (AWS re:Invent 2022)

If you missed it, AWS Training and Certification presented a breakout session at re:Invent 2022, “Prioritizing People: 4 Strategies that Make or Break Cloud Migrations and Beyond,” presented by Sabina Joseph, director of strategic industries. In it, she outlined the tremendous growth of cloud and how organizations can maximize their investment, and overcome cloud skills gap challenges, with four key strategies. Watch the full session and read the key takeaways here.