AWS News Blog

Jeff Barr

Author: Jeff Barr

Jeff Barr is Chief Evangelist for AWS. He started this blog in 2004 and has been writing posts just about non-stop ever since.

AWS MGN Update – Configure DR, Convert CentOS Linux to Rocky Linux, and Convert SUSE Linux Subscription

Just about a year ago, Channy showed you How to Use the New AWS Application Migration Server for Lift-and-Shift Migrations. In his post, he introduced AWS Application Migration Service (AWS MGN) and said: With AWS MGN, you can minimize time-intensive, error-prone manual processes by automatically replicating entire servers and converting your source servers from physical, […]

New – Storage-Optimized Amazon EC2 Instances (I4i) Powered by Intel Xeon Scalable (Ice Lake) Processors

Over the years we have released multiple generations of storage-optimized Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) instances including the HS1 (2012) , D2 (2015), I2 (2013) , I3 (2017), I3en (2019), D3/D3en (2020), and Im4gn/Is4gen (2021). These instances are used to host high-performance real-time relational databases, distributed file systems, data warehouses, key-value stores, and more. […]

AWS Week in Review – April 25, 2022

This post is part of our Week in Review series. Check back each week for a quick roundup of interesting news and announcements from AWS! The first in this year’s series of AWS Summits took place in San Francisco this past week and we had a bunch of great announcements. Let’s take a closer look… […]

New – Cloud NGFW for AWS

In 2018 I wrote about AWS Firewall Manager (Central Management for Your Web Application Portfolio) and showed you how you could host multiple applications, perhaps spanning multiple AWS accounts and regions, while maintaining centralized control over your organization’s security settings and profile. In the same way that Amazon Relational Database Service (RDS) supports multiple database […]