AWS News Blog

Category: Amazon Route 53

DNS Firewall rule diagram

Stop the CNAME chain struggle: Simplified management with Route 53 Resolver DNS Firewall

Updated 2 May 2024: I removed the reference to Route53 Alias that was incorrectly referred as a chain Starting today, you can configure your DNS Firewall to automatically trust all domains in a resolution chain (such as aCNAMEor DNAMEchain). Let’s walk through this in nontechnical terms for those unfamiliar with DNS. Why use DNS Firewall? […]


Unify DNS management using Amazon Route 53 Profiles with multiple VPCs and AWS accounts

If you are managing lots of accounts and Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (Amazon VPC) resources, sharing and then associating many DNS resources to each VPC can present a significant burden. You often hit limits around sharing and association, and you may have gone as far as building your own orchestration layers to propagate DNS configuration […]

AWS Weekly Roundup

AWS Weekly Roundup—Amazon Route53, Amazon EventBridge, Amazon SageMaker, and more – January 15, 2024

We are in January, the start of a new year, and I imagine many of you have made a new year resolution to learn something new. If you want to learn something new and get a free Amazon Web Services (AWS) Learning Badge, check out the new Events and Workflows Learning Path. This learning path […]

AWS Weekly Roundup

Happy New Year! AWS Weekly Roundup – January 8, 2024

Happy New Year! Cloud technologies, machine learning, and generative AI have become more accessible, impacting nearly every aspect of our lives. Amazon CTO Dr. Werner Vogels offers four tech predictions for 2024 and beyond: Generative AI becomes culturally aware FemTech finally takes off AI assistants redefine developer productivity Education evolves to match the speed of […]

DNS over HTTPS is now available in Amazon Route 53 Resolver

Starting today, Amazon Route 53 Resolver supports using the DNS over HTTPS (DoH) protocol for both inbound and outbound Resolver endpoints. As the name suggests, DoH supports HTTP or HTTP/2 over TLS to encrypt the data exchanged for Domain Name System (DNS) resolutions. Using TLS encryption, DoH increases privacy and security by preventing eavesdropping and […]

Zonal autoshift – Automatically shift your traffic away from Availability Zones when we detect potential issues

Today we’re launching zonal autoshift, a new capability of Amazon Route 53 Application Recovery Controller that you can enable to automatically and safely shift your workload’s traffic away from an Availability Zone when AWS identifies a potential failure affecting that Availability Zone and shift it back once the failure is resolved. When deploying resilient applications, […]

AWS Weekly Roundup

AWS Weekly Roundup – CodeWhisperer, CodeCatalyst, RDS, Route53, and more – October 24, 2023

The entire AWS News Blog team is fully focused on writing posts to announce the new services and features during our annual customer conference in Las Vegas, AWS re:Invent! And while we prepare content for you to read, our services teams continue to innovate. Here is my summary of last week’s launches. Last week’s launches […]

Route53 Resolver FEatured Image

Amazon Route 53 Resolver Now Available on AWS Outposts Rack

Starting today, Amazon Route 53 Resolver is now available on AWS Outposts rack, providing your on-premises services and applications with local DNS resolution directly from Outposts. Local Route 53 Resolver endpoints also enable DNS resolution between Outposts and your on-premises DNS server. Route 53 Resolver on Outposts helps to improve your on-premises applications availability and […]