AWS News Blog

Category: Security, Identity, & Compliance

AWS Weekly Roundup

AWS Weekly Roundup: Passkey MFA, Malware Protection on Amazon S3, and more (June 17, 2024)

Last week, my alma mater Standard Bank Group (SBG) hosted a Software Engineering Conference and invited me to be one of the keynote speakers. SBG has presence throughout Africa and this hybrid conference was attended by almost 2,000 engineers from across the continent. It was amazing to reconnect with long-time friends and former colleagues, and […]

AWS Weekly Roundup: New AWS Heroes, Amazon API Gateway, Amazon Q and more (June 10, 2024)

In the last AWS Weekly Roundup, Channy reminded us on how life has ups and downs. It’s just how life is. But, that doesn’t mean that we should do it alone. Farouq Mousa, AWS Community Builder, is fighting brain cancer and Allen Helton, AWS Serverless Hero, his daughter is fighting leukemia. If you have a […]


Simplify risk and compliance assessments with the new common control library in AWS Audit Manager

Map enterprise controls to AWS data sources effortlessly with predefined, pre-mapped controls based on auditor reviews. Automatically inherit improvements as Audit Manager updates.