AWS for Games Blog

Tag: AWS

How to Set Up Player Authentication with Amazon Cognito

Game development is all about the players. Personalizing a game experience can be key to transforming first time players into invested fans who keep coming back to your game day after day. But to offer a unique experience to a player, you need to be able to identify them. Amazon Cognito is a quick and […]

How to defend games against DDoS attacks

When launching a new game, it’s critical to ensure your players can access and enjoy it without interruption. That’s why you need to protect your game against Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks. Fortunately, if you’re building your game on AWS, you’re already protected against many common DDoS attacks. This post explores the architecture decisions […]

Protect Multiplayer Game Servers From DDoS Attacks Using Amazon GameLift

Today’s most successful multiplayer games connect millions of gamers around the world. The spirit of competition and gameplay is amplified when players connect online. With the rise of multiplayer gaming, there has been an increase in the frequency and intensity of cyber-attacks that disconnect players from their favorite games and leave them disappointed. A common […]

Reflections on GDC 2016

With the release of Lumberyard Beta 1.1 and our participation in the Game Developers Conference, March was an important milestone for the Lumberyard team. This was the 30th year of GDC and the 18th I’ve attended. We’ve witnessed significant change in our industry over these years. Platforms and products have evolved. Game development has become […]

Using Autoscaling to Control Costs While Delivering Great Player Experiences

Game developers with real-time multiplayer games tell us they want to spend less on infrastructure expenses while still providing great online experiences for their players. The challenge is that player demand can fluctuate each day, hour, or even minute. When server capacity is fixed, developers run the risk of having too much or too little […]

Amazon GameLift Adds New Regions and Autoscaling Features

Today, Amazon GameLift expands to two new AWS regions in addition to the currently available Northern Virginia and Oregon regions. Developers can now deploy game servers for their session-based, multiplayer games throughout North America, Europe, and Asia Pacific. New region names are: eu-west-1 (Ireland) and ap-northeast-1 (Tokyo) Endpoints are: and Additionally, Amazon GameLift’s new autoscaling feature lets developers […]

Welcome to the Amazon GameDev Blog!

Hi, my name is Eric Schenk, General Manager for Amazon Lumberyard, and I’d like to welcome you to the Amazon GameDev Blog. We have been hard at work developing new technology to solve problems for game developer customers. Today, we introduce Amazon Lumberyard, a free AAA game engine deeply integrated with AWS and Twitch – […]