AWS Machine Learning Blog

Category: Amazon Kendra

Intelligently search Adobe Experience Manager content using Amazon Kendra

This post shows you how to configure the Amazon Kendra AEM connector to index your content and search your AEM assets and pages. The connector also ingests the access control list (ACL) information for each document. The ACL information is used to show search results filtered by what a user has access to.

Deploy generative AI self-service question answering using the QnABot on AWS solution powered by Amazon Lex with Amazon Kendra, and Amazon Bedrock

Powered by Amazon Lex, the QnABot on AWS solution is an open-source, multi-channel, multi-language conversational chatbot. QnABot allows you to quickly deploy self-service conversational AI into your contact center, websites, and social media channels, reducing costs, shortening hold times, and improving customer experience and brand sentiment. In this post, we introduce the new Generative AI features for QnABot and walk through a tutorial to create, deploy, and customize QnABot to use these features. We also discuss some relevant use cases.

Index your Alfresco content using the new Amazon Kendra Alfresco connector

Amazon Kendra is a highly accurate and simple-to-use intelligent search service powered by machine learning (ML). Amazon Kendra offers a suite of data source connectors to simplify the process of ingesting and indexing your content, wherever it resides. Valuable data in organizations is stored in both structured and unstructured repositories. An enterprise search solution should […]

Automate caption creation and search for images at enterprise scale using generative AI and Amazon Kendra

Amazon Kendra is an intelligent search service powered by machine learning (ML). Amazon Kendra reimagines search for your websites and applications so your employees and customers can easily find the content they are looking for, even when it’s scattered across multiple locations and content repositories within your organization. Amazon Kendra supports a variety of document […]

Enhance Amazon Lex with conversational FAQ features using LLMs

Amazon Lex is a service that allows you to quickly and easily build conversational bots (“chatbots”), virtual agents, and interactive voice response (IVR) systems for applications such as Amazon Connect. Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) have been a focus for Amazon for over 20 years, and many of the capabilities that customers use […]

Get insights on your user’s search behavior from Amazon Kendra using an ML-powered serverless stack

Amazon Kendra is a highly accurate and intelligent search service that enables users to search unstructured and structured data using natural language processing (NLP) and advanced search algorithms. With Amazon Kendra, you can find relevant answers to your questions quickly, without sifting through documents. However, just enabling end-users to get the answers to their queries […]

Index your Confluence content using the new Confluence connector V2 for Amazon Kendra

Amazon Kendra is a highly accurate and simple-to-use intelligent search service powered by machine learning (ML). Amazon Kendra offers a suite of data source connectors to simplify the process of ingesting and indexing your content, wherever it resides. Valuable data in organizations is stored in both structured and unstructured repositories. An enterprise search solution should […]

Announcing the updated Microsoft SharePoint connector (V2.0) for Amazon Kendra

Amazon Kendra is a highly accurate and simple-to-use intelligent search service powered by machine learning (ML). Amazon Kendra offers a suite of data source connectors to simplify the process of ingesting and indexing your content, wherever it resides. Valuable data in organizations is stored in both structured and unstructured repositories. Amazon Kendra can pull together […]

Unlock insights from your Amazon S3 data with intelligent search

Amazon Kendra is an intelligent search service powered by machine learning (ML). Amazon Kendra reimagines enterprise search for your websites and applications so your employees and customers can easily find the content they’re looking for, even when it’s scattered across multiple locations and content repositories within your organization. Keywords or natural language questions can be […]