AWS Machine Learning Blog

Category: Generative AI

Access control for vector stores using metadata filtering with Knowledge Bases for Amazon Bedrock

In November 2023, we announced Knowledge Bases for Amazon Bedrock as generally available. Knowledge bases allow Amazon Bedrock users to unlock the full potential of Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG) by seamlessly integrating their company data into the language model’s generation process. This feature allows organizations to harness the power of large language models (LLMs) while […]

Q business

Accenture creates a custom memory-persistent conversational user experience using Amazon Q Business

Traditionally, finding relevant information from documents has been a time-consuming and often frustrating process. Manually sifting through pages upon pages of text, searching for specific details, and synthesizing the information into coherent summaries can be a daunting task. This inefficiency not only hinders productivity but also increases the risk of overlooking critical insights buried within […]

Build a self-service digital assistant using Amazon Lex and Knowledge Bases for Amazon Bedrock

Organizations strive to implement efficient, scalable, cost-effective, and automated customer support solutions without compromising the customer experience. Generative artificial intelligence (AI)-powered chatbots play a crucial role in delivering human-like interactions by providing responses from a knowledge base without the involvement of live agents. These chatbots can be efficiently utilized for handling generic inquiries, freeing up […]

Indian language RAG with Cohere multilingual embeddings and Anthropic Claude 3 on Amazon Bedrock

Media and entertainment companies serve multilingual audiences with a wide range of content catering to diverse audience segments. These enterprises have access to massive amounts of data collected over their many years of operations. Much of this data is unstructured text and images. Conventional approaches to analyzing unstructured data for generating new content rely on […]

Build generative AI applications on Amazon Bedrock — the secure, compliant, and responsible foundation

Generative AI has revolutionized industries by creating content, from text and images to audio and code. Although it can unlock numerous possibilities, integrating generative AI into applications demands meticulous planning. Amazon Bedrock is a fully managed service that provides access to large language models (LLMs) and other foundation models (FMs) from leading AI companies through a […]

Build a conversational chatbot using different LLMs within single interface – Part 1

With the advent of generative artificial intelligence (AI), foundation models (FMs) can generate content such as answering questions, summarizing text, and providing highlights from the sourced document. However, for model selection, there is a wide choice from model providers, like Amazon, Anthropic, AI21 Labs, Cohere, and Meta, coupled with discrete real-world data formats in PDF, […]

AI-powered assistants for investment research with multi-modal data: An application of Agents for Amazon Bedrock

This post is a follow-up to Generative AI and multi-modal agents in AWS: The key to unlocking new value in financial markets. This blog is part of the series, Generative AI and AI/ML in Capital Markets and Financial Services. Financial analysts and research analysts in capital markets distill business insights from financial and non-financial data, […]

AI21 Labs Jamba-Instruct model is now available in Amazon Bedrock

We are excited to announce the availability of the Jamba-Instruct large language model (LLM) in Amazon Bedrock. Jamba-Instruct is built by AI21 Labs, and most notably supports a 256,000-token context window, making it especially useful for processing large documents and complex Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG) applications. What is Jamba-Instruct Jamba-Instruct is an instruction-tuned version of […]

How Krikey AI harnessed the power of Amazon SageMaker Ground Truth to accelerate generative AI development

This post is co-written with Jhanvi Shriram and Ketaki Shriram from Krikey. Krikey AI is revolutionizing the world of 3D animation with their innovative platform that allows anyone to generate high-quality 3D animations using just text or video inputs, without needing any prior animation experience. At the core of Krikey AI’s offering is their powerful […]

Manage Amazon SageMaker JumpStart foundation model access with private hubs

Amazon SageMaker JumpStart is a machine learning (ML) hub offering pre-trained models and pre-built solutions. It provides access to hundreds of foundation models (FMs). A private hub is a feature in SageMaker JumpStart that allows an organization to share their models and notebooks so as to centralize model artifacts, facilitate discoverability, and increase the reuse […]