AWS for M&E Blog

AWS Editorial Team

Author: AWS Editorial Team

Amazon Web Services

Riding the wave of industry disruption in VFX and animation

Any industry that relies on technology inherently deals with disruption, and this includes the media and entertainment. What’s less definitive is how frequently waves of change occur and what impact they may have. Each new technological advancement can present challenges and opportunities, a theme that was readily apparent at a recent Amazon Web Services (AWS) for Media & Entertainment Symposium panel featuring VFX and animation industry leaders. The group came together to discuss the most pressing industry-wide disruptions, including the rapid emergence of generative artificial intelligence (AI), and predictions for the year ahead.

RedToast custom pipeline integration enhances rendering capabilities with AWS Deadline Cloud

Authored by Lisa Brodie, Founder and Producer at  RedToast. The content and opinions in this post are those of the third-party author and AWS is not responsible for the content or accuracy of this post. RedToast started as a small production consulting company run by founder and producer Lisa Brodie. As it grew, the company saw how […]

IMDb and Fabric Inc. team up to enrich media and entertainment catalogs with an integrated solution

Over the last decade, the media and entertainment (M&E) industry experienced an unprecedented acceleration in the volume of content being created and the consolidation of multiple media and entertainment companies. As a result, the industry faced increased challenges around disorganization of proprietary title catalogs as well as the duplication and inconsistency of associated marketing assets […]