AWS for M&E Blog

Case Study: TV TOKYO Corporation relaunches new business program on AWS

TV TOKYO operates terrestrial and satellite broadcasting services—including a diverse lineup of business, animation, and variety content—in and around Tokyo. To help revitalize business during the height of the pandemic, it launched TERETO BIZ, an overhaul of its long-running “TV TOKYO Business on Demand” subscription service. Already using AWS Media Services for live streams and on-demand viewing, TV TOKYO modernized its system using containers and other AWS technologies to deliver five times more streams.

Read the full case study to learn how TV TOKYO simplified operations while increasing capacity by using AWS Elemental MediaLive and AWS Elemental MediaPackage. The company also created a more scalable front-end web infrastructure using Amazon Elastic Container Service (Amazon ECS) and AWS Fargate, and taps Amazon CloudFront for efficient content delivery.

AWS for Media & Entertainment has the most purpose-built capabilities of any cloud to help customers transform content production, media supply chain, broadcast, direct-to-consumer & streaming, and analytics. Explore to learn more.

Lisa Epstein

Lisa Epstein

Lisa Epstein is a Senior Industry Marketing Manager at Amazon Web Services.