AWS Public Sector Blog

Category: K12

Amazon SageMaker Studio Lab helps educators focus on teaching rather than technology

The browser-based computational notebook tool, Jupyter, provides students and educators with an interactive learning environment to accelerate programming learning. But setting up collaborative Jupyter notebooks at the classroom and institutional level can be time-consuming and costly. Amazon SageMaker Studio Lab is a no-cost service built on Jupyter notebooks that takes care of the configuration and security of setting up multi-user Jupyter notebook environments – so educators can focus on teaching and learners can accelerate their journey in ML.

Get ahead this summer with no-cost cloud training from AWS Educate

Are you one of the many students that spent all year dreaming of summer vacation? Summer is here, but if you’re a motivated go-getter, you may find yourself ready for a challenge or to learn something new. AWS Educate helps you build your cloud skills at your own pace, on your own time—no matter where you are on your journey in learning about the cloud.

teacher in front of chalkboard lecturing students on laptop

Data is helping EdTechs shape the next generation of solutions

Forrester estimates that data-driven businesses are growing at an average of more than 30 percent annually. This is also happening at education technology companies. With new data sources have emerging, including real-time streaming data from virtual classrooms, mobile engagement, unique usage, and new learners, these data sources are shaping the next generation of EdTech products that engage learners meaningfully around the world. Learn how four AWS EdStart Members are utilizing data to power their solutions.

How EdTechs use artificial intelligence and machine learning to create personalized learning experiences

As AI and ML becomes more ubiquitous and simple to use, EdTech companies and startups around the world are unlocking the benefits of these technologies, particularly when it comes to personalizing learning content for a learner or educator’s specific needs. Learn how EdTech startups and AWS EdStart Members are using AI and ML to help revolutionize the education industry. 

Top re:Invent 2021 announcements for K12 education

AWS announced over 85 new services and features at re:Invent 2021, with something to offer for every industry — including K12 education. These new services and features unlock new use cases and lower the barrier to entry for schools looking to adopt cloud technology to better serve their students, parents, and staff. Read on for highlights of some of the key AWS announcements from re:Invent 2021 that can help K12 education.

How remote learning tools provide on-demand opportunities to help students grow

With learning gaps still widening as schools swing between online and in-person attendance, personalized support is needed to create and sustain equitable learning for all. Learn how four Amazon Web Services (AWS) customers and AWS EdStart Members are addressing on-demand learning and helping students advance in the classroom.

Kathryn Finney, CEO and founder of Genius Guild, inspires IMAGINE attendees to innovate in the face of the seemingly impossible

A pivotal time for education and how your organization can be a driver for change: IMAGINE EDU recap

The 2021 IMAGINE Education conference brought together education leaders and executives from across the country and around the world in an all-day event to discuss the future of education. It was my honor to deliver the keynote address to highlight some of the ways that the education community in the public sector are transforming the very essence of learning with the cloud. I was joined by Kathryn Finney, the chief executive officer (CEO) and founder of Genius Guild and General Partner of the Greenhouse Fund, who expressed how educators are driving innovation for their students and making the impossible, possible.

Discovery Education homepage screen shot

Enhancing content recommendations for educators at Discovery Education with Amazon Personalize

Discovery Education (DE) provides standards-aligned digital curriculum resources, engaging content, and professional learning for K12 classrooms. Learn how they worked with AWS to enhance its K12 learning platform with machine learning (ML) capabilities.

Barnes Foundation takes art education virtual and reaches record number of new learners

The Barnes Foundation is home to a legendary art collection, including some of the world’s most important impressionist, post-impressionist, and modern paintings. At the core of its mission is the advancement of education and art appreciation. When the COVID-19 pandemic shut down in-person tours and classes, the Barnes Foundation used the cloud to quickly pivot to develop and launch new online programming to continue to deliver their educational mission, and allowed them to triple enrollment in online courses for adults and reach 40 percent more school-age students during the 2020-2021 school year compared to in-person courses in pre-pandemic years.

EdTechs address mental wellbeing to improve student achievement with the cloud

According to EdTech Magazine, at the height of the pandemic, 94 percent of educators agreed that students will need increased social and emotional support throughout the school year. There’s a renewed focus on social-emotional learning (SEL) support in the classroom, with educators looking for additional ways to help students be healthy and engaged in class. Four AWS EdStart Members are addressing different aspects of SEL and helping to positively impact the student experience.