AWS Public Sector Blog


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Operationalizing cloud adoption with the AWS Cloud Maturity Assessment

The Amazon Web Services (AWS) Cloud Maturity Assessment (CMA) uses the AWS Cloud Adoption Framework (AWS CAF) to assess the maturity of your cloud adoption, and provide prescriptive guidance on prioritized next steps. By replacing guesswork with data-driven analysis, you will get a blueprint to prioritize, build, and mature your cloud capabilities. Read this post to learn more.

Investing in continuous learning to grow your organization’s future

Many organizations invest in infrastructure for future needs but may overlook needed technical training and cloud modernization skills for people within the organization. The AWS Cloud Adoption Framework (AWS CAF) provides guidance outlined in six different perspectives for an organization’s cloud transformation journey. One of these perspectives, People perspective: culture and change, addresses how to develop capabilities for the growth of people within an organization. Learn how developing key capabilities within the People perspective of the AWS CAF can support long-term mission success.