AWS Public Sector Blog

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AWS branded background design with text overlay that says "ASTERRA helps build a more sustainable Earth by identifying and mitigating ‘lost water’ using AWS"

ASTERRA helps build a more sustainable Earth by identifying and mitigating ‘lost water’ using AWS

ASTERRA, an Israel-based geospatial and Earth observation company, uses Amazon Web Services (AWS) to help water utilities and a number of industries identify and mitigate pipeline leaks. ASTERRA uses AWS to derive intelligence and insights from beneath the surface of their largest installations and to bypass the need to break ground and dig for leaks. Read this post to learn how AWS has helped ASTERRA overcome traditional on-premises infrastructure limitations and to accelerate the development of solutions for anticipating and mitigating failures, saving water, energy, and avoiding carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions as a result.

How AWS supports the 10th anniversary of National Voter Registration Day with digital tools for civic engagement

On September 20, 2022, Americans celebrate National Voter Registration Day with a massive cross-country effort to register voters ahead of the federal midterm elections. AWS is a proud sponsor of National Voter Registration Day to help drive civic engagement. AWS supports important resources for US citizens to register to vote; plus, government technology companies (GovTechs) use AWS to expand voting resources to Americans across the country. Read on to learn more about how organizations use AWS to make it simple to register to vote.

teacher in front of chalkboard lecturing students on laptop

Data is helping EdTechs shape the next generation of solutions

Forrester estimates that data-driven businesses are growing at an average of more than 30 percent annually. This is also happening at education technology companies. With new data sources have emerging, including real-time streaming data from virtual classrooms, mobile engagement, unique usage, and new learners, these data sources are shaping the next generation of EdTech products that engage learners meaningfully around the world. Learn how four AWS EdStart Members are utilizing data to power their solutions.

National Numeracy uses the cloud to help UK adults build confidence with everyday math

The United Kingdom (UK) government’s 2011 Skills for Life survey estimated that about 49% of UK adults had levels of numeracy—the ability to understand and use math in real-life situations—on par with primary school children. In response, National Numeracy, a nonprofit to help UK adults increase numeracy, was founded in 2012. Leveraging AWS, National Numeracy established a digital-first approach to engage UK communities with educational resources that help improve real-world math skills that can help them better manage their finances, find new job opportunities, assist their children in math, and more.

Barnes Foundation takes art education virtual and reaches record number of new learners

The Barnes Foundation is home to a legendary art collection, including some of the world’s most important impressionist, post-impressionist, and modern paintings. At the core of its mission is the advancement of education and art appreciation. When the COVID-19 pandemic shut down in-person tours and classes, the Barnes Foundation used the cloud to quickly pivot to develop and launch new online programming to continue to deliver their educational mission, and allowed them to triple enrollment in online courses for adults and reach 40 percent more school-age students during the 2020-2021 school year compared to in-person courses in pre-pandemic years.

Transportation resiliency in the cloud: Building systems that survive adversity

Constituents rely on state and local government leaders to create resilient transportation networks for every part of their lives. Transportation resilience requires digital technology infrastructure that is also resilient in the face of potential disaster. This is why state and local governments are turning to the cloud.

CANImmunize creates end-to-end vaccination app solution to help Canadians get vaccinated faster

CANImmunize is an end-to-end vaccination enablement system that helps Canadians coast to coast do everything from scheduling their appointment to proving their vaccination status—all in one interface. CANImmunize uses AWS to scale its operations and enable hundreds of thousands of people to get vaccinated and stay on top of their vaccination status.

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People’s Association in Singapore improves upskilling experiences for communities

People around the world rely on continuing education and upskilling courses to build on their existing knowledge and learn new, industry-specific skills sets. In Singapore, Community Centres (CCs) and Resident Committees (RCs) offer a variety of upskilling courses for residents. CCs and RCs are part of the network of the People’s Association (PA), a Singaporean statutory board with a mission to build and bridge communities. To improve CCs’ and RCs’ time-intensive, manual process of course administration, PA and Amazon Web Services (AWS) Partner, Tata Consultancy Services (TCS), launched a cloud-based web portal in November 2019.

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Increasing student engagement through new visual presentation development and test taking tools

AWS EdStart Members—Chema Roldan, co- founder and CTO of in Spain and Leonardo Prates, co-founder and CEO of Studos in Brazil—are enhancing the classroom experience for students and teachers. is focused on enabling students and teachers to create and deliver digital presentations. Studos is focused on helping students enhance their test performance through automatic feedback using AI. Read on to learn how these founders are developing the next generation of education solutions in the AWS Cloud.

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Pivoting and scaling with AWS: Three EdTechs share their journey to support education

The impact of COVID-19 has K12 and higher education institutions working hard to prepare for students to return to learning that will be anything but typical. The 2020-2021 academic year will include various teaching and learning modalities—virtual, hybrid, and face-to-face—and most expect a shift from one to another throughout the year. Globally, EdTechs are working with AWS to accelerate features and solutions to better support students and educators in teaching and learning, physical and mental wellness, and health and safety.