AWS Public Sector Blog

Tag: school safety

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How K12 schools can transform: Announcing new generative AI maturity readiness assessment

Amazon Web Services (AWS) is helping K12 school leaders understand how to leverage generative artificial intelligence (AI) in the most practical and responsible ways. Together with the Council of the Great City Schools and the Consortium for School Networking, we created the K-12 Readiness Checklist and the newly released K12 Generative AI Maturity Readiness Assessment. Read this post to learn about these fundamental tools that can help guide school districts as they implement generative AI.

How Gaggle’s ReachOut program uses AWS to ease the K12 mental health crisis

US schools are doing their best to support students, but with staffing shortages and additional challenges exacerbated by the widespread disruption in teaching and learning, the education community needs solutions to help with recovery. Students also need help available to them when they need it, and that may not fall within the hours of the school day. AWS Partner, Gaggle, is an education technology (EdTech) company that delivers solutions that focus on helping to keep students safe. Gaggle developed ReachOut, a mental health hotline built on AWS that connects K12 students to trained Gaggle support counselors, anywhere, anytime.

Empty school hallway with lockers

Improving school safety: How the cloud is helping K12 students in the wake of violent incidents in schools

Research shows that students who feel safe are more likely to be engaged at school and be more successful in all aspects of life – not just academics. But students are dealing with the reality of increased violence in schools – finding it more difficult to feel safe. Administrator concerns in the wake of school violence have made school safety a top priority in K12. One collaboration is delivering a safer learning environment for students through a scalable, highly secure, and innovative cloud services solution.

Bark leverages AWS to help keep schools safe

With the increased focus on school safety, now more than ever schools are using information technology solutions to address concerns about the digital and physical security of students and teachers. Amazon Web Services (AWS) helps enable innovative EdTechs to create revolutionary solutions to keep students safe from harm. Bark, an AWS EdStart Member, is an online student safety platform, with the mission to help keep every child safe online.