AWS Public Sector Blog

Tag: security

AWS branded background design with text overlay that says "How to transfer data to the CISA Cloud Log Aggregation Warehouse (CLAW) using Amazon S3"

How to transfer data to the CISA Cloud Log Aggregation Warehouse (CLAW) using Amazon S3

In this post, we show you how you can push or pull your security telemetry data to the National Cybersecurity Protection System (NCPS) Cloud Log Aggregation Warehouse (CLAW) using Amazon Web Services (AWS) Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) or third-party solutions.

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Highlights from the 2024 AWS Summit Washington, DC keynote

Generative artificial intelligence (AI) innovation and inspiration dominated today’s AWS Summit Washington, DC keynote. But there was no shortage of newsworthy moments and key takeaways that extended beyond generative AI. Dave Levy, vice president of Worldwide Public Sector at Amazon Web Services (AWS), delivered the keynote and was joined onstage by three guest speakers who helped him set the tone for the annual two-day event that brings the public sector cloud community together in the nation’s capital.

AWS branded background design with text overlay that says "Generative AI for public agencies: 5 best practices for secure implementation"

Generative AI for public agencies: 5 best practices for secure implementation

Generative artificial intelligence (AI) is revolutionizing public agencies by streamlining services and providing valuable insights from large datasets. However, adding generative AI to your agency is not a simple process. SMX, an Amazon Web Services (AWS) Premier Tier Services Partner, helped one nonprofit agency build a robust architecture in the AWS Cloud that provided them the foundation for building and implementing generative AI tools. In this guest post, experts from SMX explain five best practices they used to help this agency prepare for generative AI.

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European Health Data Space will enable health innovation through secure data sharing

The European Health Data Space (EHDS) will establish a common framework and infrastructure for the use of health data for research, innovation, policy-making, and regulatory activities in the European Union (EU). It will also create common standards and practices enabling EU citizens to better access, control, and share their electronic personal health data. Read this post to learn why Amazon Web Services (AWS) welcomes the EHDS as an important step towards unleashing the vast potential of health data to benefit citizens across Europe and beyond.

AWS branded background design with text overlay that says "Automate cybersecurity analysis with MBSE workflows enabled by AWS"

Automate cybersecurity analysis with MBSE workflows enabled by AWS

Digital engineering fundamentally relies on integrating data across model structures by using a digital thread – an underlying framework for integrating data from across traditionally siloed functions that create a consolidated view of the system’s data throughout its lifecycle. The cloud is integral to digital engineering by supporting collaboration across geographically dispersed organizations, automating workflows for data connectivity and trade space analysis in a reliable, scalable, and cost-effective manner. This post describes how Amazon Web Services (AWS) Partner General Dynamics Information Technology (GDIT) has used digital engineering in combination with secure and scalable AWS services, to deliver secure IT systems to a large defense program.

AWS branded background design with text overlay that says "Secure your organization’s Internet of Things devices using AWS IoT"

Secure your organization’s Internet of Things devices using AWS IoT

The public sector’s use of Internet of Things (IoT) devices is steadily growing, as these organizations learn how to implement and derive value from IoT solutions. Public sector agencies and organizations deploy IoT devices in a variety of areas, such as transportation and infrastructure, crime prevention, education, and utilities and environment. In this post, we are going to use the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency ‘s (CISA) guidelines as a reference to improve the security of your IoT devices and learn how to address vulnerabilities using Amazon Web Services (AWS) IoT services.

AWS branded background design with text overlay that says "How to migrate to the new AWS Ground Station Agent launching March 28"

How to migrate to the new AWS Ground Station Agent launching March 28

On March 28, Amazon Web Services (AWS) will release a new version of the AWS Ground Station Agent (agent), which is not compatible with past agent releases. In order to maintain operational continuity of Ground Station environments, agent users must follow the instructions provided in this blog post before upgrading to the March 28 version of the agent.

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AWS hosts inaugural Federal Executive Forum at Amazon HQ2

Amazon Web Services (AWS) hosted its first Federal Executive Forum at Amazon HQ2 in National Landing in February, 2024. Forward-thinking leaders from across the US federal government working in civilian, financials, defense, and national security gathered to discuss emerging technologies, and share best practices and ways to use the cloud to advance their missions.

AWS branded background with text overlay that says "US government agencies can communicate, collaborate securely with AWS Wickr"

US government agencies can communicate, collaborate securely with AWS Wickr

When it comes to messaging, government users often default to apps already loaded on their phones—whether their devices are personal or government-issued and whether the apps are approved or not. This blog post will explain why consumer messaging apps are a bad choice and why Amazon Web Services (AWS) Wickr is an appropriate solution for US government customers.

Securing and automating compliance in the public sector with AWS

Compliance is essential, but ensuring compliance in the cloud with various regulations and standards can be challenging, especially for public sector organizations. The requirements are highly dynamic, constantly evolving, and they vary across countries. Read this blog post to learn about the Amazon Web Services (AWS) resources that can help customers meet compliance requirements, reduce their time and effort, and focus on core business objectives.