AWS for M&E Blog

Unlock the full potential of your media supply chain at IBC 2024

The media and entertainment (M&E) industry is experiencing extensive transformation, driven by evolving consumer expectations, the rise of competing streaming platforms, and the increasing importance of data-driven insights. As content libraries continue to grow, many media organizations recognize the need to migrate valuable legacy assets to the cloud. By doing so, they unlock opportunities to drive sustainable business growth, optimize supply chain operations, and enhance the consumer experience.

At IBC 2024, Amazon Web Services (AWS) plans to showcase six real-world use cases to help M&E companies navigate industry transformation. Demonstrations include intelligent content migration and monetization, cloud-based orchestration workflows, and advanced localization capabilities, providing visitors with a first-hand look at solutions to the industry’s most pressing challenges.

Find AWS media supply chain demonstrations at IBC on stand 5.C90.

  • Archive Migration
  • Low-Code Workflow Automation
  • Newsroom and Daytime Cloud Production on AWS
  • Data Lake for Media & Metadata Lake
  • Intelligent QC & Sustainability
  • Content Localization & Accessibility

Migrate to monetize

Media archives contain valuable intellectual property, but many media organizations struggle to monetize their vast libraries of video, audio, and text-based materials effectively. In migrate to monetize, AWS integrates a range of services and partner solutions for a seamless migration-to-monetization cloud workflow.

The workflow begins with the migration of media to AWS. Low code/no code solutions put orchestration in the hands of the operations team. Migrated media, derivatives, and metadata are stored in asset management systems for access across multiple dispersed business units.

Demonstration: Archive Migration: Unlock the hidden value in your content archives

The demonstration starts with archive migration as a service (AMaaS) from Cloudfirst to move data to the cloud. AMaaS is an efficient, low-risk way to migrate content into a next-generation digital archive. Next, an AI-driven annotation solution from PwC transforms contracts into digital intelligence by leveraging large language models (LLMs) on AWS to extract terms and provisions from rights contracts.

Media2Cloud on AWS simplifies the process of migrating media assets to the cloud. It automates the extraction of core metadata and generates intelligent summaries, essential for unlocking the monetization potential of archived media. The Rightsline comprehensive rights platform then enables tracking, administration, and monetization of the content libraries. The Vidinet media management engine from Vidispine organizes and indexes migrated assets for production and distribution use cases. MetaVu from Vubiquity simplifies metadata management, supporting various standard formats and more than 2,000 distribution endpoints, improving content discoverability and operational efficiency.

Together, these solutions leverage intelligent metadata extraction, advanced analytics, and targeted content distribution to identify new revenue opportunities from media archives.

Demonstration: Low-Code Workflow Automation: Streamline content production and distribution

This demonstration features low-code workflow automation built across four partner solutions. Low code/no code platforms let users build and deploy custom applications with minimal coding, making it easier for non-technical teams to optimize their workflows.

The demonstration guides visitors through an asset’s lifecycle, starting with a produced master file. Leveraging Intelligent Quality Control (QC), the workflow performs advanced quality control checks, ensuring content meets technical specifications and editorial standards. The Embrace Pulse-IT low code platform provides advanced automation, orchestration, and collaboration solutions for this workflow, along with the Codemill Accurate.Video for reviewing QC exceptions using timed metadata.

After a successful QC analysis, content is signed with C2PA, a specification to authenticate the provenance and integrity of digital media. Digital Media Hub, an AI-driven content optimization, monetization, and syndication solution from Veritone, packages the content for sale on a business-to-business (B2B) content acquisition portal.

Visitors see an end-to-end, scalable workflow that gives media teams the power to streamline processing from content production through distribution and allows them to focus on creative and editorial efforts while improving operational efficiency and time-to-market.

Demonstration: Newsroom and Daytime Cloud Production on AWS: Enable cost-effective live and file-based workflows

Delivering engaging, cost-effective daytime programming is a growing priority for news broadcasters and media organizations. AWS showcases an end-to-end cloud solution across the entire newsroom and production lifecycle, from live cloud contribution to final program delivery.

Visitors see how AWS services, including Amazon Elastic File System (Amazon EFS), Amazon FSx for Windows File Server, Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3), and Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2), integrate with AWS Partner solutions to enable a seamless, cloud-powered daytime and newsroom production workflow. Key partners include Mimir as a Production Asset Management (PAM), Dina as a Newsroom Control System (NRCS), Cuttingroom for cloud-based editing, Vizrt for graphics and virtual studio integration, and Adobe Premiere for high-performance editing needs.

By leveraging the scalability, reliability, and cost-efficiency of AWS, media organizations can build flexible, cloud-based production environments that quickly adapt to changing content demands and audience preferences. This demonstration showcases how to streamline live and file-based workflows, reduce operational costs, and deliver high-quality daytime and newsroom programming while alleviating on-premises capacity restrictions.

Media insights, search, and analysis

In today’s data-driven media landscape, building a comprehensive content strategy requires the ability to consolidate, analyze, and extract actionable insights from bespoke metadata. AWS showcases how its services and partner solutions power advanced media intelligence capabilities, enabling content creators, distributors, and marketers to make data-driven decisions.

Demonstration: Data Lake for Media and Metadata Lake: Unlock the power of consolidated data strategies

At the core of this solution is the integration of Amazon QuickSight for business intelligence, AWS Data Exchange for industry data feed delivery, Amazon Kinesis for real-time data stream processing, AWS Glue for data integration and ETL, and Media2Cloud on AWS for automated metadata extraction from media assets.

By partnering with industry leaders like Twelve Labs and IMDb, AWS demonstrates how to leverage cutting-edge natural language processing, computer vision, and multimodal search capabilities to unlock a wealth of insights from content libraries. Visitors see how to design a centralized data strategy that enables seamless content discovery, media deduplication, targeted marketing campaigns, and data-driven decision-making across the entire media supply chain from production through distribution.

Localization, accessibility, and compliance

As media content reaches global audiences, ensuring localization, accessibility, and compliance with evolving regulations is paramount. AWS demonstrates a multi-vendor quality control (QC) workflow that goes beyond traditional technical QC to address language, accessibility, and content authentication requirements.

Demonstration: Intelligent QC & Sustainability: Comprehensive Global Content QC

Ensuring quality, compliance, and provenance is critically important for content distributors. Intelligent QC is a comprehensive quality control workflow that goes beyond traditional technical checks to address the growing complexity of content validation requirements. By integrating AI-powered partner solutions with serverless AWS services, this demonstration showcases how media companies seamlessly scale their QC processes to maintain the highest standards of QC and sustainability.

Attendees see a multi-vendor QC workflow that integrates Media2Cloud on AWS with partner solutions Venera Quasar, and Spherex AI to perform a comprehensive set of checks, including video, language, and compliance. The QC solution can scale to address the growing complexity of content compliance requirements. This includes checking for adherence to local regulations, and even carbon emissions reporting under the European Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD).

Key to this workflow is the integration of AWS Partner technologies, including advanced language AI capabilities from Apptek. By combining technical QC with these contextual and compliance-focused checks, media companies can make sure their content meets the rigorous quality standards expected by global audiences and regulatory bodies.

Demonstration: Content Localization & Audience Accessibility: Ensure global reach and regulatory adherence

As media companies expand their global footprint, the need to localize content for international markets and improve accessibility for viewers with disabilities is increasingly important. AWS offers a range of services and partner solutions to help customers identify content duration, rating, and classification by region.

The demonstration showcases guidance for increasing access to content through translation into local languages and accommodations for viewers with disabilities, including generating subtitles, audio descriptions, and visual signing. This guidance helps customers address accessibility standards.

The localization and accessibility workflows leverage AWS Step Functions and AWS Lambda to orchestrate processing steps. Featured partners include AudioShake Dialogue, Music, & Effects Separation for isolating audio tracks, and DeepDub Go for AI-powered dubbing and language translation. By integrating AWS services and AWS Partner solutions, media companies can efficiently scale their content for international distribution while making sure it meets the requirements of diverse global audiences and is compliant with accessibility regulations.


Whether you’re looking to unlock hidden value in your content archives, streamline your production processes, or deliver more accessible and localized content to global audiences, AWS has comprehensive services and partner solutions to help. By leveraging the scalability, reliability, and cost-efficiency of the cloud, media organizations can build flexible, data-driven media supply chain and archive ecosystems that quickly adapt to changing market demands and audience preferences.

Visit AWS at IBC 2024 on stand 5.C90 to experience these demonstrations in-person. Schedule a meeting with the AWS Media Supply Chain and Archive team, or connect with your AWS representative to learn more. Together, let’s explore how AWS empowers your organization to grow in an evolving media landscape.

We look forward to seeing you in Amsterdam!

Jonathan Solomon

Jonathan Solomon

Jonathan Solomon is a Principal Partner Solutions Architect focused on Media & Entertainment Media Supply Chain & Archive. He brings over 25 years of experience in TV, from analog to 4K and beyond. He holds multiple certification from Cloud and Broadcasting bodies.

Carin Forman

Carin Forman

Carin is a Global Partner Lead supporting Media & Entertainment partners in Media Supply Chain and Archive. Carin focuses on strategic enablement and partner development, providing domain expertise for media supply chain solutions and cloud adoption.