AWS for Games Blog

Category: Amazon Kinesis

Maximize Your Game Data Insights with the updated Game Analytics Pipeline

In the highly competitive gaming industry, collecting and utilizing data has become a driving factor for game success. Game studios of all sizes have realized the immense value in analyzing player data to drive key business decisions. Additionally, the trend of releasing Games-as-a-Service where revenue is primarily generated from in-app purchases, subscriptions, and other microtransactions, […]

lookout for metrics tutorial architecture diagram

Detect anomalies in games with Amazon Lookout for Metrics and the Game Analytics Pipeline Solution

Game analytics can be a powerful tool to help studios throughout the development cycle. Insights driven from game data can help you to create more engaging, personalized experiences for players and more efficiently monetize games. it can also help with fraud investigations, as well as performance monitoring and error reporting. Anomaly detection is commonly used […]

The AWS Cloud9 homepage in the AWS console.

Customize the Game Analytics Pipeline Schema using AWS Cloud9

Authored by Molly Sheets and Greg Cheng Requirements for game analytics vary between games and studios when defining specific data tracked per user. Some studios prefer data pipelines that process data anonymously in order to meet regulatory and privacy compliance standards. Others require unique identifiers to deliver on complex analysis, logging, AI/ML, monetization, and visualization […]

Generate Custom Game Events from Unity Integrated With the Game Analytics Pipeline

Today’s game developers use analytics as a critical workload to deliver the best gameplay experiences possible for their players. As developers look to have more control over where their data is stored and to reduce the complexities of ingesting data from a variety of sources, many turn to AWS to help them create their own […]

Detect fraud in games using machine learning.

Detecting fraud in games using machine learning

As video games rise in popularity and more games move toward free-to-play models, there’s more opportunity for fraudulent behavior among players. Fraud is problematic for studios because it devalues in-game currency that’s bought with real money and the digital goods that can be purchased with it. Fraud also causes players to lose trust in the […]

Analytics and Machine Learning

Ingest and visualize streaming data for games

Game studios are increasingly realizing the value of player and game data. With analytics, you can turn this data into actionable insights to better meet your players’ high expectations for amazing games. This blog post explores two important components of analytics for games—ingestion and visualization—and how they can be implemented using the AWS Game Analytics […]

Implement an analytics pipeline for games

Written by: Gena Gizzi, Greg Cheng, and Dominic Mills Games are generating more data than ever. So, it’s important to have access to the right data at the right time as you develop your games. This enables you to answer questions about how your games are performing and determine what changes you want to make […]

Metalhead Software goes all-in on AWS to see Super Mega Baseball 3 hit a home run

Co-founder Christian Zuger shares how Metalhead Software is all-in on AWS to enable its tight-knit team to dedicate more to the critically acclaimed Super Mega Baseball video game series. As an independent studio based out of Victoria, BC, Metalhead Software prides itself on being a tight-knit team with a huge passion for game development. We […]

Get started with Game Tech webinar series

June webinar series: Join us and learn how to get started with AWS Game Tech

  Creating a game takes time. In an ideal world as a developer, you’d like to dedicate your attention to building gameplay features that entertain and engage players, not sink cycles on your game’s infrastructure. In reality, the decisions you make behind the scenes greatly impact your ability to provide a great player experience. But […]

New Game Tech Learning Path is Your Training Walkthrough

AWS Training and Certification is excited to announce a new Game Tech learning path that organizes all Game Tech courses into one place. Whether you’re a solutions architect, game developer, data engineer, or data analyst, this learning path provides structured guidance on where to begin your training and next steps to gain expertise. As we develop new […]