AWS for M&E Blog

Category: Application Services

Secure media streaming with private networking using AWS Media Services

Introduction Many organizations are seeking ways to control and secure their live media streams, which often contain sensitive information or intellectual property, within their corporate networks. At the same time, companies also want the flexibility to grant controlled access to these private streams. Accessing media services, or media assets stored in Amazon Simple Storage Service […]

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Generative AI assists creative workflows with inpaint eraser and Amazon SageMaker – Part 1

Introduction Generative AI is transforming how content is created and consumed. Media & Entertainment (M&E) companies face growing demand for personalized and engaging content to serve their audiences across multiple channels. Models like Stable Diffusion, where images and video can be generated with just a simple text prompt, allows businesses to leverage generative AI as […]

Summarization Featured Image

Video summarization with AWS artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) services

Publishers and broadcasters recognize that short video clips are effective in gaining attention from younger viewers, many of whom are enthusiasts of short form content on platforms like TikTok. If companies in traditional M&E industries can efficiently generate short video clips from original content and distribute them across various social media platforms such as Facebook, […]

Spalk Blog Featured Image

Remote sports commentary made easy with Spalk and AWS

This blog was coauthored by Michael Prendergast, CTO and Co-Founder, Spalk. Introduction A compelling sports broadcast is built on storytelling and commentators are the guides to these stories, helping viewers experience the narratives playing out on screen. Only recently have commentators enjoyed the flexibility of working remotely, allowing them to broadcast for leagues around the world […]

How serverless services help M&E companies gain a strategic advantage in a competitive market

The media and entertainment (M&E) industry has evolved with the digitization of content, proliferation of platforms, changes in the way media is consumed, emergence of user generated content, and globalization. These changes are fueled by and fuel consumer behavior and expectations. Those who were once happy to just record a live telecast of a show […]

Generating input preview thumbnails using AWS Elemental MediaLive

Within the media and broadcast industry there is an incumbent need for broadcast operators to maintain visibility of video workflow health and performance. AWS Elemental MediaLive is a broadcast-grade live video processing service that creates high-quality streams for delivery to broadcast TVs and internet-connected devices.  MediaLive has a rich set of alerts, Amazon CloudWatch Events and […]

How DAZN uses AWS Step Functions to orchestrate event-based video streaming at scale

This blog is co-authored by Russ Johnson at DAZN, and Corneliu Croitoru and Chris Fane at AWS. In this blog post, we explain how DAZN, a global sports entertainment platform, used AWS Step Functions from Amazon Web Services (AWS) to build a lightweight, modular, and extensible orchestrator to automate its live sports streaming events. This architecture lets […]

Automatic media ingest and quality control with Telestream and Ateliere on AWS

Automation in media workflows is increasingly important as more file-based media workloads move into the cloud. AWS collaborated with Telestream and Ateliere Creative Technologies to create an automatic media ingest and quality control (QC) demo, which was showcased at the International Broadcasting Convention (IBC) in September, 2022. AWS participates each year at IBC to showcase the […]

Guest post: Modernizing NASCAR’s multi-PB media archive at speed with AWS Storage

The sanctioning body for American auto racing, the National Association for Stock Car Auto Racing (NASCAR) has amassed a vast content library of video, audio, and image assets since it was founded in 1948. Each year, its archive continues to grow by 1.5 PB – 2 PB of data, making managing its legacy LTO tape storage unwieldy. […]

Cloud rendering using Pixar’s Tractor on AWS

Rendering is the process of converting 3D models into 2D images that can be displayed on screen and is a critical part of making almost any movie these days. Rendering is resource-intensive, requiring powerful computational processing. With 8K resolution coming online, the demand for compute resources for rendering is at an all-time high. When the […]