AWS for M&E Blog

Category: News

Using program rules with AWS Elemental MediaTailor

With the release of program rules, it is now possible to define alternate media for audience cohorts using AWS Elemental MediaTailor Channel Assembly. This provides customers with an easy and cost effective way to create up to 50 unique audiences on a channel, for use cases such as market-based localization according to content rights or segments of […]

In the news: ProSiebenSat.1 selects AWS as primary cloud provider

ProSiebenSat.1 Media SE, Europe’s leading satellite and cable broadcaster, operating television channels, digital VoD platforms and e-commerce brands, has selected AWS as its primary cloud provider. ProSiebenSat.1 is working closely with AWS to adopt cloud services within all parts of its broadcast and digital media businesses, production companies, and e-commerce platforms. With AWS, ProSiebenSat.1 is […]