AWS Public Sector Blog

Category: Enterprise Strategy

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Peraton consolidates data centers and migrates to AWS

Peraton is a mission capability integrator and delivers enterprise IT around the world. They are also an Amazon Web Services (AWS) Premier Tier Services Partner with competencies in government, DevOps, and migration. Peraton’s IT infrastructure and technology strategy are designed to support the delivery of mission-critical services and solutions to its customers at a global scale. In this post, we explore how Peraton used AWS to migrate and build out a virtual data center in AWS GovCloud (US) Regions within a six-month time frame with an advanced and secure end-state architecture.

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Japan’s Digital Agency accelerates government cloud migration with AWS generative AI–powered architecture reviews

In September 2021, Japan took a leap with the establishment of its Digital Agency and the creation of the government cloud. With the goal to build a society in which no one is left behind by improving convenience, health, and happiness through digital technology, Japan’s Digital Agency represents the nation’s bold commitment to digital innovation across government and society. In June 2024, two cloud engineers from the Digital Agency, Kazuma Takeda and Shinichi Nishihata, shared their process and learnings at the Amazon Web Services (AWS) Summit Japan, the largest AWS learning event in the country. For those who were unable to attend or watch virtually, this post summarizes their presentation.

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Elevating credit unions: Transforming core banking on the AWS Cloud

Credit unions play a crucial role in communities by providing a diverse range of financial services driven by their members’ needs. These services, supported by core banking applications, form the backbone of credit union operations. Traditionally, credit unions use legacy systems for their core banking applications, such as lending, payments, and deposits. But these systems are monolithic, expensive, and lack open architecture, impacting credit unions’ abilities to deploy changes based on market demands. In this digital age, cloud computing offers a transformative solution, and as we will explain in this post, Amazon Web Services (AWS) stands at the forefront.

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Dispelling the top 8 cloud myths holding back Canadian public sector IT transformation

This post addresses eight common misconceptions about cloud computing held by Canadian public sector organizations. It covers cloud security, cost savings, value beyond expenses, and cloud providers’ investments in Canada. The insights shared will equip public sector leaders to make informed decisions and leverage cloud computing’s potential.

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The AWS approach to accelerating innovation and procurement with state agencies

Despite a common misconception about government, state agencies regularly innovate on behalf of their constituents. In this post, Amazon Web Services (AWS) experts share examples of innovation from New Mexico and North Carolina. We also provide tips for accelerating procurement and maintaining visibility over rapidly implemented workloads.

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Embracing the Amazon Leadership Principles in the public sector

Embracing the Amazon Leadership Principles fosters a culture of customer obsession, ownership, and experimentation. Doing so has supported one Amazonian’s capabilities and his success as he’s continuously delivered on behalf of his public sector customers. In this post, he shares examples of how public sector customers have embraced the Leadership Principles, which has been both inspiring and validating to witness.

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Streamlining digital transformation in German healthcare with AWS

Healthcare organizations worldwide are leveraging Amazon Web Services (AWS) and partner solutions to modernize, transform, and innovate their businesses. Ensuring the availability and security of critical applications is paramount. For example, two renowned German medical facilities, Fachklinikum Mainschleife and Max Grundig Klinik, needed to modernize their IT infrastructure to comply with stringent regulatory requirements outlined in the country’s Law for Accelerating the Digitalization of Healthcare (DigiG). Reliable and compliant service offerings from AWS enabled the medical facilities to provide reliable access to essential systems.

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10 ways that governments incentivize cloud use to accelerate digital transformation

Governments encourage public sector organizations, businesses, and citizens to embrace digital technologies and practices through a range of incentives. These incentives standardize processes and motivate behaviors that achieve the objectives of these initiatives in a way that can be sustained over time. This post, written by an Amazon Web Services (AWS) government transformation advisor, highlights 10 ways that governments use incentives to accelerate successful digital transformation. 

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Operationalizing cloud adoption with the AWS Cloud Maturity Assessment

The Amazon Web Services (AWS) Cloud Maturity Assessment (CMA) uses the AWS Cloud Adoption Framework (AWS CAF) to assess the maturity of your cloud adoption, and provide prescriptive guidance on prioritized next steps. By replacing guesswork with data-driven analysis, you will get a blueprint to prioritize, build, and mature your cloud capabilities. Read this post to learn more.

AWS branded background with text overlay that says "Univ. of Pittsburgh Athletics use AWS to unlock data insights for every step of the fan journey"

Univ. of Pittsburgh Athletics use AWS to unlock data insights for every step of the fan journey

The University of Pittsburgh Athletics Department wanted to know more about its fans, so it looked for an innovative solution and turned to Amazon Web Services (AWS). By focusing on fan behavior and seeking out trends in ticket sales, the department hoped to answer questions surrounding team loyalty and how they could stay competitive. This post provides an overview of the powerful solution Pitt Athletics built to engage with and sell to its fanbase.